
Title:   Goldie
Nation:   Nagnang
Clan:   Pegasus
CT:   Viper Scum
Class:   Emissary
Path:   Rogue
Subpath:   Spy (Sa)
Vita:   1,457,709 1,227B
Mana:   643,449 974B
Power:   2,744,607
Bilz:   2,201B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 10 950,000 306,551 1,044
Oh 1,280,000 636,551 2,589
Cave 11 1,500,000 856,551 3,860
Yuk 2,560,000 1,916,551 12,701
Chil 5,120,000 4,476,551 52,586
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 10 1,900,000 442,291 791
Oh 2,560,000 1,102,291 2,335
Cave 11 3,000,000 1,542,291 3,607
Yuk 5,120,000 3,662,291 12,447
Chil 10,240,000 8,782,291 52,332

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2025 1,406,709 1,457,709 +51,000 79B 640,899 643,449 +2,550 7B 56,100 86B
2024 1,279,909 1,406,709 +125,710 183B 394,584 640,899 +246,315 564B 618,340 747B
2023 1,279,999 1,280,999 +1,000 1B 375,934 394,584 +18,650 33B 38,300 34B
2020 1,279,999 1,279,999 0B 373,484 375,934 +2,450 4B 4,900 4B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Creature DA LS SAM Min HP Max HP
Bird 4 Room 1
750000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 2
850000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 3
850000 1150000
Bird 4 Room 4
800000 1100000
Bird 4 Room 5
1370000 1750000
Bird 4 Room 6
1400000 1800000
Bird 4 Room 7
1500000 2000000
Bird 4 Room 8
1800000 2500000
Bird 4 Room 9 [LR]
1700000 2150000
Rhino [Immense Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [Thundering Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [LR]
1750000 2270000
2200000 2850000
[OLD] ATG 10
3300000 4300000
[OLD] ATG 11
5200000 6500000
Turtle 4 [LR]
1800000 2500000
Malgalod Shaman
1000000 1400000
Malgalod Footman
2000000 2700000
140000 230000
Sheep 3/Brown
1120000 1412000
Sheep 3/Red
1118000 1434482


Carpenter : Master
Carpenter : Master
Gemcutter : Master
Gemcutter : Master
Woodcutter : Talented
Woodcutter : Talented


Bloodlusts (42%) 140/333
Bloodlusts (42%) 140/333
Carnages (53.3%) 195/366
Carnages (53.3%) 195/366
Elixir Wars (31.1%) 19/61
Elixir Wars (31.1%) 19/61
Fox hunts (45%) 68/151
Fox hunts (45%) 68/151

Bank (94)

Gold: 20,000,000
62 Acorn
19 Amber
1 Ambrosia
11 Amethyst
1 Angel Wings Scepter
1 Angry heart
1 Antique Hand drum
10 Antler
6 Axe
2 Baekho key
1 Black cat mask
1 Candlelight
1 Celestial Night Spire
1 Cracked acorn
1 Cursed staff
13 Dark amber
1 Dark dagger
1 Decorated anchor
13 Diamond
1 Dragon fan
55 Egg
18 Experience gem
7 Explosive Spores
1 Faded Stone
1 Faerie light - BONDED
1 Fine metal
33 Finest snake meat
12 Flash dust
1 Fox fur
13 Ginko wood
5 Gold acorn
3 Green potion
1 Hamgyong fishing club
5 Hamgyong gem fragments
1 Haunted shield
2 Hyun moo key
1 Ice sabre
3 Iron statue
1 KSG Signet Ring - BONDED
10 Kapur branch
2 Key to heaven
1 Key to mountain
1 Key to pond
2 Kitten claw
1 Leech juice
1 Magical dust
3 Malgal insignia
1 Moon shard
2 Mountain ginseng
2 Mountain's promise
1 Muddy potion
1 Nagnang combat garb - BONDED
6 Ore [med]
97 Ore [poor]
14 Ore [very high]
2 Pearl charm
2 Pebble
1 Pet Brown Rabbit
1 Pet Dragon
1 Pet Pheasant
3 Pink mugunghwa
1 Putrid fish
1 Red Valkyrie
2 Runed dagger
1 Sacred pendant
10 Scrawny fish
6 Seraph pendant
1 SeuMoolHanBeunZe robe - BONDED
1 Shoes of Lavawalker
1 Sinimusta mantle
1 Sliver of luck
1 Small fish
1 Sonhi pass
3 Spare skin
83 Stardrop
1 Surge
1 Tao stone
1 Tiger meat
10 Tiny fish
1 Titanium blade
26 Tuna wizard wand
2 Unseen pumpkin
1 Viper stick
1 Water jewel
107 Weaving tools
2 Well cftd dk amber
1 Well cftd wt amber
2 White amber
7 Wondrous stein
1 Wooden staff
12 Wool
1 Yangbantai
1 Yearn Blade
5 Yellow amber

Legend (150)

Born in Yuri 46, Spring
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 46, Spring)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 46, Spring)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 46, Summer)
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 46, Summer)
Kwi-Sin Rogue since Yuri 46, Fall
Witnessed the rebuilding of the cities (Yuri 46, Fall)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 46, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 48, Winter)
Dog linguist (Yuri 48, Winter)
Entered the ancient rabbit cave (Yuri 49, Spring)
Novice weaver
Specialized in Gemcutting
4 Year Anniversary
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 51, Summer)
Understood the moon (Yuri 51, Summer)
Forged an orb of Metal, Yuri 53, Spring
Lesser alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 53, Summer)
Last justice matter handled by (Quartz)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 54, Fall)
Captured the wind (Yuri 54, Fall)
Scouted with Rangers 1 times, marked by Solarian (Yuri 55, Spring)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 56, Winter)
Fought off pirates (Yuri 57, Summer)
Freed pirates' captives(Yuri 57, Summer)
Highest score in Hopper 35
Entered Johaih's camp
Aided the Ambassador from Han
Entered the hidden garden (Yuri 65, Winter)
Fought off pirates (Yuri 66, Spring)
Helped search for Ugh (Yuri 66, Summer)
Witnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by Julia
Apprentice food preparer
6 Year Anniversary
Braved pirate mine (Yuri 68, Summer)
Made water jewel (Yuri 68, Fall)
Collected wood staff (Yuri 68, Fall)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 71, Winter)
Donated ingredients to heal Blight (Yuri 72, Spring)
Assisted Geomancers in Purging the Taint
Entered the Shendao (Yuri 73, Summer)
Gave the Pul-i Sara-na-ta of the Four (Yuri 73, Summer)
Soldier for General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)
Proved loyalty to General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 95, Spring)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 96, Summer)
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Fall)
10 Year Anniversary
Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 99, Winter)
Helped solve the murder of Cheyn (Yuri 101, Fall)
Witnessed the nefarious deeds of Mupa (Yuri 102, Spring)
Scrounged materials to build catapult (Yuri 103, Summer)
Survived the sun (Yuri 103, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 103, Fall)
Greater alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 103, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 103, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Snake (Yuri 104, Spring)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 104, Spring)
Fought off the violent winds of Mupa (Yuri 104, Spring)
Captured the tricky Lucky (Yuri 104, Fall)
Fought for Nagnang in the Blood War (Yuri 105, Summer)
Fed 2 items to the Gelapod
Owner of brown pet rabbit Stain (Yuri 111, Fall)
Found the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 112, Fall)
Won 1 clan events (Yuri 112, Winter)
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 113, Spring)
Sacrificed to empower mug (Yuri 113, Fall)
Witnessed mug's sacrifice (Yuri 113, Fall)
12 Year Anniversary
Tried to Help Xiou (Yuri 118, Spring)
Distracted WinSong for Xiou (Yuri 118, Summer)
Restored Lasahn's Strength (Yuri 118, Summer)
Has won 1 KSG Tournaments, recognized by Aens
Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 120, Fall)
13 Year Anniversary
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 124, Summer)
Apprentice miner
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 124, Fall)
Master carpenter
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
14 Year Anniversary
Recovered the Treasure 1 times, verified by Blubber
Museum Contributor (Yuri -3, Summer)
Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri -3, Fall
Highest score in rabbit invasion 439
Found Serenity in the Tao (Yuri -3, Fall)
Killed 105 walking dead (Yuri -3, Fall)
Winner of 1 Barbarian events, recognized by Blason
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by ManZap
Initiate of the Spy Guild, endorsed by Aens
Found the end of the rainbow (Yuri 0, Fall)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 11, Winter)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 11, Winter)
17 Year Anniversary
Retrieved the Anchor of Binding (Yuri 19, Fall)
Revived the Sea Princess (Yuri 19, Fall)
Assisted the undead captain (Yuri 19, Fall)
Entertained the bored rock (Yuri 19, Fall)
Associate of the Koguryian Spy Guild, sanctioned by Offai
Assisted Lucretius Laframbois
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 21, Winter)
Perfected the Art of Assassination, recognized by Artist Kunai
Helped love transcend death to achieve a beautiful life (Yuri 23, Winter)
Hindered Sally's pursuit of world peace 1 times
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 times
Has Proven Themselves in the Eyes of the Raven, 1 times
Unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 24, Fall)
Owner of pet dragon Campaigner (Yuri 24, Winter)
Helped complete Tokki's egg collection (Yuri 24, Winter)
Owner of pet pheasant RussGuss (Yuri 24, Winter)
Carnage Champion 1 time(s), awarded by Drywater (Yuri 25, Summer)
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 25, Summer)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 25, Summer)
Completed 5 jobs for the Spy Guild
18 Year Anniversary
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Spring)
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Helped the Spirit Lord gain peace (Yuri 29, Fall)
Participated in Scavenging (Yuri 30, Summer)
Apprentice fisherman
Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 30, Summer)
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 30, Winter)
Won Snowball Frenzy 5 times
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 31, Spring)
19 Elixir War victories
Talented woodcutter
Comforted a scared child (Yuri 37, Fall)
Located the Sonhi Hideout in Kugnae (Yuri 58, Spring)
Novice ice fisherman
Pursued Red Flare into the Arctic north (Yuri 82, Summer)
25 Year Anniversary
Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Fall)
Gained wisdom from Rock Guardian (Yuri 83, Fall)
Completed 428 minor quests
On a quest to slay the Seal Guardian
Participated in 151 Fox hunts
68 Fox hunt victories
Participated in 61 Elixir Wars
Engaged to GzaGenius (Yuri 87, Spring)
Married to GzaGenius (Yuri 87, Spring)
Has received 1 Flower readings, last observed by Druid NayPoet (Yuri 87, Fall)
Has received 1 Ogham Rune readings, last observed by Druid Kaleea (Yuri 87, Fall)
Mastered the Art of Deception, noted by the treacherous Misled
Celebrated 1 Druid festivals, observed by noots
Collected 9 bounties for the Spy Guild
140 Bloodlust victories
Participated in 333 Bloodlusts
Master gemcutter
Participated in 366 Carnages
195 Carnage victories