Nation:   Koguryo
Clan:   Tiger
CT:   Muscle Queen
Class:   Ee San (P)
Path:   Poet
Vita:   639,998 279B
Mana:   319,968 279B
Power:   1,279,934
Bilz:   558B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Sam 320,000 32 0
Cave 9 450,000 130,032 229
Sa 640,000 320,032 685
Cave 10 950,000 630,032 1,739
Oh 1,280,000 960,032 3,283
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,180,032 4,555
Yuk 2,560,000 2,240,032 13,395
Chil 5,120,000 4,800,032 53,280
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Sam 640,000 2 0
Cave 9 900,000 260,002 229
Sa 1,280,000 640,002 685
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,260,002 1,739
Oh 2,560,000 1,920,002 3,283
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,360,002 4,555
Yuk 5,120,000 4,480,002 13,395
Chil 10,240,000 9,600,002 53,280

BILZ History

History Not Available

Current Caves

Cave Cave Req. Next Req.
Rabbit 3 20,000  / 10,000
Monkey 3 40,000  / 20,000
Dog 3 60,000  / 30,000
Rooster 3 100,000  / 50,000
Rat 3 140,000  / 70,000
Horse 3 180,000  / 90,000
Ox 3 220,000  / 110,000
Pig 3 260,000  / 130,000
Snake 3 300,000  / 150,000
Sheep 3 340,000  / 170,000
Tiger 3 380,000  / 190,000
Dragon 3 420,000  / 210,000
Gogoon Island
Bird 4 320,000  / 160,000
Flower 4 320,000  / 160,000
Gargoyle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Turtle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Assassin 3 365,000  / 182,500
Magus 3 400,000  / 200,000
Hunter 3 434,000  / 217,000
Hillmen 3 467,000  / 233,500
Anchorite 3 506,000  / 253,000
Wind 3 535,000  / 267,500
Shadow 3 552,000  / 276,000
Bandit 3 569,000  / 284,500
Dread 3 586,000  / 293,000
Grey Hand 3 603,000  / 301,500
Earth 3 620,000  / 310,000
Water 2 518,000  / 259,000 Water 3 640,000 0.0B 320,000 0.0B

Cave data pulled from NexusAtlas, some may be inaccurate and will be adjusted eventually.


Poet damage calculator on hold



Carnages (66.7%) 6/9
Carnages (66.7%) 6/9


Gold: 7,070,666
2 Red potion
20 Snowbunny float
6 Scroll of invocation
46 Daily coin
4 Full experience envelope
6 Scroll of protection
1 Amber
75 Yellow scroll
118 Kindred talisman
1 Opal Claw
1 Sacred pendant

Bank (93)

Gold: 2,000,000
188 Amber
3 Ambrosia
2 Ancient Spirit mask
1 Azure velutinous coat
100 Bear's liver
1 Big axe
2 Blood
1 Candlelight
1 Celestial Gown
1 Celestial Vestments
1 Charm
1 Chibok skirt
9 Chung ryong key
1 Damcheong Choson
131 Dark amber
2 Death's head
8 Delicious fish
1 Dragon dagger
1 Dragon fan
1 Dragon's favor
6 Dragon's liver
14 Electra
1 Electrified Scale
1 Enchanted charm
1 Engagement ring
1281 Fine cloth
56 Fine metal
32 Fine rabbit meat
10 Fine steel dagger
2 Forsaken blade
1 Forsaken staff
1 Fox blade
22 Fox fur
6 Fox tail
29 Fragile rose
17000 Ginko wood
1 Gokkal
28 Gold acorn
6 Gold ore
1 Good eye
1 Hair Dryer
15 Herb pipe
20 Holy ring
2 Ice fan
1 Jeweled ring of Substratum
8 Large fish
1 Light blue petal
1 Lucky coin
1 Magician cape dress
20 Maxcaliber
1 Moon gown - BONDED
3 Ore [med]
3 Ore [poor]
1 Plain dark bracelet
1 Purple feather
2 Purple ring
1 Rat's favor
1 Red potion
1 Rooster's favor
7 Scrawny fish
504 Scroll of invocation
8 Scroll of protection
2 Sea poems
2 Sea ring
4 Sen glove
1 Sheep's favor
1 Short skirt
23 Small fish
1 Small plate of substratum
1 Snake's favor
10 Snowbunny float
3 Spike
50 Splendid tiger pelt
8 Stardrop
2 Steelthorn
1 Sunhong flower bonnet
1 Surge
3 Tasty fish
10 Tiger meat
1 Tiger's favor
6 Tiny fish
17 Titanium glove
4 Titanium lance
1 Wedding dress
16 Whisper bracelet
17 White amber
1 White hair loops
1 White-pink ringed gown
1 Wicked staff
227 Wood scraps
1 Wooden sword
29 Wool
66 Yellow amber

Legend (33)

Born in Yuri 91, Winter
Engaged to SKYBLOW (Yuri 92, Summer)
Ohaeng Poet since Yuri 92, Summer
Married to SKYBLOW (Yuri 92, Fall)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 92, Fall)
Dog linguist (Yuri 92, Fall)
Shredder destroyed 2 items of this hero
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 92, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 92, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 92, Winter)
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 92, Winter)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 92, Winter)
Adept carpenter
Participated in 9 Carnages
6 Carnage victories
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 93, Summer)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 93, Winter)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 93, Winter)
Passed Third Trial of Wealth (Yuri 94, Spring)
Passed Third Trial of Sacrifice (Yuri 94, Spring)
Novice fisherman
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 94, Summer)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 94, Summer)
Understood the moon (Yuri 94, Summer)
Completed 400 minor quests
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 94, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 94, Winter)
Captured the wind (Yuri 94, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 94, Winter)
Survived the sun (Yuri 95, Spring)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 6 times
Greater alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 95, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 95, Summer)