
Nation:   Koguryo
Clan:   Sun Moon
Class:   Guardian
Path:   Poet
Subpath:   Hyun moo (Sa)
Vita:   423,966 141B
Mana:   640,073 964B
Power:   1,704,112
Bilz:   1,105B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 10 950,000 309,927 1,054
Oh 1,280,000 639,927 2,598
Cave 11 1,500,000 859,927 3,870
Yuk 2,560,000 1,919,927 12,710
Chil 5,120,000 4,479,927 52,595
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,476,034 1,877
Oh 2,560,000 2,136,034 3,422
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,576,034 4,693
Yuk 5,120,000 4,696,034 13,534
Chil 10,240,000 9,816,034 53,419

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2021 421,266 423,966 +2,700 1B 640,073 640,073 0B 2,700 1B
2020 418,466 421,266 +2,800 1B 640,023 640,073 +50 0B 2,900 2B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Poet damage calculator on hold


Gemcutter : Legendary
Gemcutter : Legendary
Jeweler : Talented
Jeweler : Talented


Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Carnages (50%) 15/30
Carnages (50%) 15/30
Elixir Wars (45.5%) 15/33
Elixir Wars (45.5%) 15/33
Fox hunts (46.9%) 15/32
Fox hunts (46.9%) 15/32


Gold: 1,202,284
1 Unsigned death pardon
61 Well cftd dk amber
4 Crafted wt amber
12 Tarnished wt amber
3 Crafted dk amber
12 White amber
1 Li's Key to Success

Bank (108)

Gold: 0
1 Alt Borrowed key
321 Alt Lost soul
1 Black beach raffia
1 Blue chuba coat
1 Blue chuba hat
815 Bottled darkness
4 Brig Key
2 Celestial Night Spire
1 Corrupted blade
1 Cracked egg costume
2 Cracked egg hat
2 Cracked egg suit
46 Crafted wt amber
6 Crystal
1 Dashae's dashing ribbon
1 Dashae's elegant ribbon
1 Dashae's fancy ribbon
1 Dashae's glamorous ribbon
1 Denim ranch hat
3 Doppleganger pumpkin
20 Draught of Devotion
54 Efflorent salt cake
2 Emerald fan
2 Empty bowl
1 Evil fire skull
1 Evil fire wings
1 Experience gem
11 Featherlight metal
42 Feeble Turkey Egg
166 Fists pumpkin
1 Frozen garb
1 Gift of Air
239 Giveni pumpkin
2 Golden Bowl of Tranquility
2 Golden Lantern
439 Good eye
1 Grand baekho ring
2 Grand chung ryong ring
1 Grand hyun moo ring
1 Grand ju jak ring
1 Great Easter robe
1 Green beach raffia
247 Guard pumpkin
2 Hamgyong gem fragments
1 Harnessed Elemental Power
25 Haunted Mirror
1 Heart chained diamond pendant
1 Heavy antler
196 Hunter pumpkin
2 Ice fan
1 Jacko lantern
753 Kindred talisman
1 Longevity noodles
1 Love charm - BONDED
1 Lucky bouquet
2 Lucky staff
2 Mug's tear
6 Nightshade
1 Orange board shorts
1 Passion wings
2 Peanut costume
1 Pet Ox
4 Pet Sea Turtle
7 Phantom dust
1701 Phantom pumpkin
1 Phoenix shard
2 Pink Easter bunny hat
1 Pink wings
1 Pumpkin
1 Purple board shorts
1 Recall stone
16 Red apple
1 Red glasses
22 Restless pumpkin
77 Rock pieces
1 Rotten egghead
1 Sam Ernlere staff
164 Samurai pumpkin
12 Scrawny Turkey Egg
145 Scroll of invocation
29 Scroll of protection
1 Seraph pendant
1 Sheep's favor
2 Simple baekho ring
2 Simple chung ryong ring
1 Simple hyun moo ring
2 Simple ju jak ring
1 Snake's favor
1 Sonhi pass
1 Spirit charm - BONDED
6 Starshine
242 Sumo pumpkin
1 Sun robes - BONDED
10 Toadstool
8 Treatise on bad poetry
184 Unseen pumpkin
1 Walnut costume
1 Watch on a chain
1 White Shadow Boots
39 White amber
1 White trinket
1 Wild Turkey Egg
31 Wild pumpkin
11 Wondrous pumpkin
2 Xiou's enchanted spiritual hood
1 Xiou's enchanted stealth bandana
1 Xiou's enchanted war helmet
18 Zealous pumpkin

Legend (99)

Born in Yuri 86, Fall
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 86, Fall)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 86, Fall)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 86, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Monkey (Yuri 86, Winter)
Dog linguist (Yuri 86, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 86, Winter)
Understood the moon (Yuri 86, Winter)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 86, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 86, Winter)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 86, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Pig (Yuri 86, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 87, Spring)
Captured the wind (Yuri 87, Spring)
Survived the sun (Yuri 87, Summer)
Soldier for General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)
Proved loyalty to General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 88, Summer)
Highest score in rabbit invasion 875
Infused the Earth's Dragon with sacred magic (Yuri 89, Summer)
9 Year Anniversary
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)
Captured Grave Robber 1 times (Yuri 96, Winter, Vernon)
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Winter)
Engaged to Firess (Yuri 97, Fall)
Married to Firess (Yuri 97, Fall)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 98, Spring)
10 Year Anniversary
Saved Haengsa from the Pirates (Yuri 99, Spring)
Helped YanFai find the secret of infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Learned the ways of the Pirates infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Participated in 30 Carnages
15 Carnage victories
Participated in 31 Bloodlusts
15 Bloodlust victories
Participated in 33 Elixir Wars
15 Elixir War victories
Participated in 32 Fox hunts
15 Fox hunt victories
Greater alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 100, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Ox (Yuri 101, Spring)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 101, Fall)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 101, Fall)
Owner of pet ox run (Yuri 101, Fall)
Specialized in Gemcutting
Witnessed the nefarious deeds of Mupa (Yuri 102, Summer)
Purified Marriage, blessed by Muckish
Scrounged materials to build catapult (Yuri 103, Winter)
Captured the tricky Lucky (Yuri 104, Fall)
Fought off the violent winds of Mupa (Yuri 104, Winter)
11 Year Anniversary
Saved the Yon and Tae families (Yuri 107, Spring)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 109, Summer)
Aided Yithly (Yuri 109, Summer)
Sacrificed to empower mug (Yuri 113, Fall)
Witnessed mug's sacrifice (Yuri 113, Fall)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 118, Spring)
Tried to Help Xiou (Yuri 118, Spring)
Distracted WinSong for Xiou (Yuri 118, Summer)
Empowered Xiou's Crew (Yuri 118, Summer)
Novice fisherman
Novice weaver
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 119, Spring)
Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 120, Winter)
Restored Nature's faith in Mankind (Yuri 121, Fall)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 122, Summer)
Has received 2 I Ching readings (Yuri 122, Summer, Muckish)
Owner of a pet sea turtle sea (Yuri 122, Winter)
13 Year Anniversary
Tried by Air, Water, Earth and Fire (Yuri 124, Summer)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 124, Summer)
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 124, Summer)
Cheered up bored rock (Yuri 124, Fall)
14 Year Anniversary
Sublime alliance with the Rat (Yuri 1, Summer)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 2, Summer)
Awarded Golden Bowl of Tranquility (Yuri 8, Winter)
16 Year Anniversary
Novice food preparer
Entertained the bored rock (Yuri 20, Summer)
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 22, Spring)
Assisted Lucretius Laframbois
Accomplished woodcutter
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Spring)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 40, Summer)
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Completed 400 minor quests
Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 47, Summer)
On a quest to slay the Stone ogre
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Winter)
Accomplished scribe
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 63, Summer)
Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 64, Spring)
Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 64, Spring)
Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 64, Spring)
Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 64, Spring)
Recovered the Treasure 1 times, verified by Caiden
Talented jeweler
Legendary gemcutter