
Nation:   Nagnang
Clan:   Silla
CT:   Dessert Poet
Class:   Artisan
Path:   Poet
Subpath:   Muse
Vita:   52,008 10B
Mana:   83,299 36B
Power:   218,606
Bilz:   47B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Ee 160,000 76,701 54
Sam 320,000 236,701 243
Cave 9 450,000 366,701 472
Sa 640,000 556,701 928
Cave 10 950,000 866,701 1,982
Oh 1,280,000 1,196,701 3,526
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,416,701 4,798
Yuk 2,560,000 2,476,701 13,638
Chil 5,120,000 5,036,701 53,523
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Ee 320,000 267,992 80
Sam 640,000 587,992 269
Cave 9 900,000 847,992 498
Sa 1,280,000 1,227,992 954
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,847,992 2,008
Oh 2,560,000 2,507,992 3,552
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,947,992 4,824
Yuk 5,120,000 5,067,992 13,664
Chil 10,240,000 10,187,992 53,549

BILZ History

History Not Available

Current Caves

Cave Cave Req. Next Req.
Rabbit 3 20,000  / 10,000
Monkey 3 40,000  / 20,000
Dog 3 60,000  / 30,000
Rooster 3 100,000  / 50,000
Rat 3 140,000  / 70,000
Horse 2 30,000  / 15,000 Horse 3 180,000 29.6B 90,000 3.8B
Ox 2 50,000  / 25,000 Ox 3 220,000 42.0B 110,000 16.2B
Pig 2 80,000  / 40,000 Pig 3 260,000 56.0B 130,000 30.2B
Snake 2 110,000  / 55,000 Snake 3 300,000 71.6B 150,000 45.8B
Sheep 2 140,000  / 70,000 Sheep 3 340,000 88.8B 170,000 63.0B
Tiger 1 Level 95 Tiger 2 170,000 26.8B 85,000 1.0B
Dragon 1 Level 99 Dragon 2 200,000 35.6B 100,000 9.8B
Gogoon Island
Bird 3 160,000  / 80,000 Bird 4 320,000 80.0B 160,000 54.2B
Flower 3 160,000  / 80,000 Flower 4 320,000 80.0B 160,000 54.2B
Gargoyle 3 160,000  / 80,000 Gargoyle 4 320,000 80.0B 160,000 54.2B
Turtle 3 160,000  / 80,000 Turtle 4 320,000 80.0B 160,000 54.2B
Assassin 2 134,000  / 67,000 Assassin 3 365,000 100.4B 182,500 74.6B
Magus 1 38,000  / 19,000 Magus 2 178,000 29.0B 89,000 3.2B
Hunter 1 47,000  / 23,500 Hunter 2 215,000 40.4B 106,000 13.6B
Hillmen 1 61,000  / 30,500 Hillmen 2 240,000 48.8B 120,000 23.0B
Anchorite 1 76,000  / 38,000 Anchorite 2 280,000 63.6B 140,000 37.8B
Wind 1 112,500  / 56,250 Wind 2 320,000 80.0B 160,000 54.2B
Shadow 1 159,000  / 79,500 Shadow 2 351,500 94.1B 175,750 68.2B
Bandit -- Bandit 1 195,500 34.2B 97,750 8.4B
Dread -- Dread 1 230,000 45.4B 115,000 19.6B
Grey Hand -- Grey Hand 1 280,000 63.6B 140,000 37.8B
Earth -- Earth 1 302,000 72.4B 151,000 46.6B
Water -- Water 1 332,000 85.3B 166,000 59.4B

Cave data pulled from NexusAtlas, some may be inaccurate and will be adjusted eventually.


Poet damage calculator on hold



Bloodlusts (20%) 1/5
Bloodlusts (20%) 1/5
Carnages (41.7%) 5/12
Carnages (41.7%) 5/12
Elixir Wars (33.3%) 1/3
Elixir Wars (33.3%) 1/3
Fox hunts (42.9%) 3/7
Fox hunts (42.9%) 3/7

Legend (43)

Born in Yuri 89, Fall
Ming-Ken Poet since Yuri 89, Winter
Engaged to Vantus (Yuri 90, Fall)
Discovered Kaleidoscope of Life, awakened by tOxick
Specialized in Weaving
Graced by the Muse, Inspired by tOxick
Museum Benefactor (Yuri 90, Fall)
Married to Vantus (Yuri 90, Fall)
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by Departed
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 90, Winter)
Empowered with the Aura of the Muses (Yuri 90, Winter)
A follower of Terpsichore, devoted to Dance. (Yuri 90, Winter)
26 Year Anniversary
Completed 1 art courses at Muse College by Aliviah
Attained Spring level in Archery (Marked by modocon) (Yuri 91, Spring)
Novice woodcutter
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 91, Summer)
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 91, Summer)
Recovered the Treasure 1 times, verified by Chara
Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 91, Summer)
Dog linguist (Yuri 91, Summer)
Nature's sage 1 times, marked by Druid Kaleea
Celebrated 1 Druid festivals, observed by Kaleea
Completed 24 minor quests
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 3 time(s), recognized by Lyones
On a quest to slay the Trapdoor spider
Novice scribe
Trained in the art of war, noted by Lyones
1 Elixir War victories
1 Bloodlust victories
Attained First Mark (Yuri 95, Fall)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 95, Winter)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 95, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 96, Spring)
Understood the moon (Yuri 96, Spring)
5 Carnage victories
3 Fox hunt victories
Accomplished weaver
Novice tailor
Participated in 3 Elixir Wars
Participated in 12 Carnages
Participated in 5 Bloodlusts
Participated in 7 Fox hunts