
Nation:   Buya
Clan:   SanSin
CT:   Good apple
Class:   Poet
Stats:   Unavailable



Bank (115)

Gold: 23,000,000
3692 Acorn
235 Amber
7 Amber casque
20 Ambrosia
55 Amethyst
71 Angel's tear
6 Antler
21 Baekho key
20 Battle helm
352 Beef
5 Bekyun's spear
1 Blood
1 Charm
64 Chicken meat
5 Chocolate bunny mount
30 Chung ryong key
46 Cloth
238 Dark amber
17 Death's head
1 Dragon's favor
35 Dragon's liver
2 Egg
26 Electra
166 Fine cloth
117 Fine metal
575 Fine rabbit meat
412 Fine snake meat
29 Fine weaving tools
4 Flametongue ring
34 Fox blade
397 Fox fur
12 Fox tail
20 Fragile rose
605 Ginko wood
24 Ginseng
176 Gold acorn
127 Gold ore
1 Gri-Yul Staff
101 Grilled beef
20 Holy ring
1 Horse's favor
30 Hyun moo key
30 Ju jak key
10 Key to earth
13 Key to fire
30 Key to heaven
29 Key to mountain
30 Key to pond
31 Key to thunder
30 Key to water
30 Key to wind
101 Light fox fur
3 Lockpick
93 Lucky coin
20 Lucky silver coin
19 Magical dust
14 Maxcaliber
122 Metal
4 Military fork
18 Moonblade
7 Mountain ginseng
50 Nagnang compass
51 Noodles
125 Ore [high]
83 Pearl charm
200 Peas
85 Pebble
150 Pink mugunghwa
1 Poet whip
50 Powdered yw amber
20 Purified water
50 Quartz
97 Rabbit meat
1 Rabbit's favor
354 Rat meat
529 Red fox fur
8 Red potion
562 Rose
20 Scribe's book
20 Scribe's pen
15 Scroll of defense
204 Scroll of invocation
206 Scroll of protection
5 Sea ring
15 Sen glove
1 Sheep's favor
106 Silver ore
1171 Snake meat
1 Spike
41 Splendid tiger pelt
5 Star blouse
4 Star drapery
3 Star dress
11 Star gown
1 Star mail dress
1 Star robes
28 Star-staff
130 Stardrop
26 Steelthorn
4 Stilts
1 Surge
99 Tao stone
386 Tiger's heart
18 Titanium glove
33 Titanium lance
57 Topaz
5 Trigram keyset
44 Well cftd wt amber
210 Wheat
28 Whisper bracelet
225 White amber
36 Wicked staff
94 Wolf pelt
30 Wool
100 Yellow amber

Legend (8)

Born in Yuri 127, Fall
Ming-Ken Poet since Yuri 128, Fall
Engaged to Keung (Yuri 131, Spring)
Married to Keung (Yuri 23, Spring)
On a quest to slay the Radiant spider
Novice woodcutter
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Summer)
21 Year Anniversary