
Title:   The Dude
Nation:   Nagnang
Clan:   The Forsaken
CT:   Tree Stumped
Class:   Nwyfre
Path:   Poet
Subpath:   Druid (Sa)
Vita:   804,384 416B
Mana:   824,749 1,546B
Power:   2,453,882
Bilz:   1,962B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 10 950,000 125,251 472
Oh 1,280,000 455,251 2,016
Cave 11 1,500,000 675,251 3,288
Yuk 2,560,000 1,735,251 12,128
Chil 5,120,000 4,295,251 52,013
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,095,616 1,602
Oh 2,560,000 1,755,616 3,146
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,195,616 4,418
Yuk 5,120,000 4,315,616 13,258
Chil 10,240,000 9,435,616 53,143

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2024 804,384 804,384 0B 821,399 824,749 +3,350 12B 6,700 12B
2023 804,384 804,384 0B 812,299 821,399 +9,100 32B 18,200 32B
2022 804,384 804,484 0B 797,799 812,299 +14,600 50B 29,200 50B
2021 804,484 804,584 0B 783,699 797,799 +14,200 48B 28,400 48B
2020 804,584 804,584 0B 772,449 783,699 +11,250 37B 22,500 37B
2019 804,584 804,584 0B 757,599 772,449 +14,850 49B 29,700 49B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Poet damage calculator on hold


Carpenter : Master
Carpenter : Master


Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Carnages (46.9%) 15/32
Carnages (46.9%) 15/32
Elixir Wars (51.4%) 18/35
Elixir Wars (51.4%) 18/35
Fox hunts (37.5%) 15/40
Fox hunts (37.5%) 15/40

Legend (134)

Born in Yuri 115, Summer
Ohaeng Poet since Yuri 115, Summer
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 115, Fall)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 115, Fall)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 118, Spring)
Dog linguist (Yuri 123, Fall)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 123, Fall)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 123, Fall)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 123, Fall)
MeatHook's blood brother
Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri 123, Winter
Aligned with Air, Recognized by Druid YappY (Yuri 124, Spring)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 124, Summer)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 124, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 125, Summer)
Understood the moon (Yuri 125, Summer)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 125, Summer)
Killed 101 walking dead (Yuri 125, Fall)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 125, Winter)
Survived the sun (Yuri 126, Spring)
Protector of Nature, marked by YappY
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 130, Winter)
14 Year Anniversary
Saved 1 lives in Time Cleft of (Yuri 131, Spring)
Restored balance in Time Cleft of (Yuri 131, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 132, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 132, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Pig (Yuri 132, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri -1, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Ox (Yuri -1, Winter)
Captured the wind (Yuri -1, Winter)
Collected wood staff (Yuri 0, Spring)
Harnessed fire of passion (Yuri 0, Spring)
Forged the Staff of the Elements
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
Participated in 32 Carnages
15 Carnage victories
Earned favor from the Winds (Yuri 2, Winter)
15 Bloodlust victories
Assisted to seal off the mighty Sute's Cave(Yuri 3, Spring)
Participated in 31 Bloodlusts
Participated in 40 Fox hunts
15 Fox hunt victories
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 3, Summer)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 4, Summer)
Aided the Mining Clan (Yuri 4, Summer)
Sustained the Asmodi against the Iron Hands (Yuri 5, Spring)
Forged an orb of Wood, Yuri 7, Summer
Recognized as Tuisceanach Historian by Druid Healerofdoom (Yuri 9, Fall)
16 Year Anniversary
Was a Knight in a Past Life, revealed by Pitseleh
Attained Spring level in Foraging (Marked by Khrys) (Yuri 11, Fall)
Fed Chu Layn a great feast (Yuri 14, Summer)
Helped save the Wilderness (Yuri 16, Spring)
Saved a love lost, once upon in the Wilderness (Yuri 16, Spring)
Scared the Lag monster away 2 times
Master carpenter
17 Year Anniversary
Entertained the bored rock (Yuri 19, Winter)
Retrieved the Anchor of Binding (Yuri 19, Winter)
Revived the Sea Princess (Yuri 19, Winter)
Assisted the undead captain (Yuri 19, Winter)
Aided the Chongunate in 1 missions, recognized by Chongun PyroAce
Participated in 2 clan events (Yuri 20, Fall)
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 21, Winter)
Assisted Lucretius Laframbois
Gathered 1 artifacts
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 25, Winter)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 26, Spring)
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 26, Spring)
Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 26, Summer)
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Balanced the flow of Qi 1 times, recognized by Shivakura
Attained Spring level in Security (Marked by Choji) (Yuri 26, Fall)
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Spring)
Participated in 35 Elixir Wars
18 Elixir War victories
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 28, Winter)
Trustworthy trader, recognized by Avidius
Apprentice fisherman
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 40, Summer)
Friend to the Mining Clan (Yuri 40, Fall)
20 Year Anniversary
Discovered the Ruins of Jolbon (Yuri 46, Spring)
Helped with the Centennial Feast preparations (Yuri 46, Spring)
Special guest of the Koguryo's Centennial Feast (Yuri 46, Fall)
Contributor of art (Yuri 46, Fall)
Helped with a new entrance to the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Spring)
Winner of 1 Barbarian events, recognized by SkoGul
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 50, Spring)
Gained access to the Desolate Mines (Yuri 50, Spring)
Survived an encounter with a Jeoseung Saja (Yuri 53, Summer)
Slain Jae the Slicer 10 time(s) (Yuri 53, Summer)
Killed 1218 walking dead (Yuri 53, Summer)
Acolyte of the Dagda, sworn by druid Supply
Crafted a forgotten Druid artifact, Yuri 53, Fall
Has received 1 Ogham Rune readings, last observed by Druid Odette (Yuri 54, Spring)
Recovered the Treasure 3 times, verified by Barter
Fought off Mupa's treefolk army (Yuri 55, Winter)
Repealed dark magic with the power of love (Yuri 55, Winter)
Discovered the Frozen Fortress (Yuri 56, Fall)
Fought against the Stygian Order (Yuri 56, Winter)
Recognized as Herbalist by Druid Odette (Yuri 57, Spring)
Collected mysterious eggs to nourish hope (Yuri 57, Summer)
Nature's sage 1 times, marked by Druid Odette
Devoted to raven, observed by Druid Odette
Located the Sonhi Hideout in Kugnae (Yuri 58, Summer)
Helped with HaggardWitch escape (Yuri 58, Summer)
Studied the way of the Jeong Do under Hinoyuki, Yuri 58, Summer
Totem Spirit Revealed (Discovered by iRysvinne) (Yuri 58, Summer)
Recognized as Maistir Ovate by Druid NayPoet (Yuri 58, Winter)
Has received 1 Flower readings, last observed by Druid NayPoet (Yuri 58, Winter)
22 Year Anniversary
Fed 15 items to the Gelapod
Demonstrated Duty to Path, recognized by Baltzen
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by Celindon
Attained Summer level in Archery (Marked by Kabob) (Yuri 61, Spring)
Shown kindness during difficult times (Yuri 62, Summer)
Studied with the Sages 3 times, recognized by Scual
Studied under the Divine Order, 4 times, taught by Acemancer, Yuri 62, Summer
Won 2 clan events (Yuri 62, Summer)
Accomplished woodcutter
Born under the Earth Pig, revealed by DethDealer in (Yuri 62, Winter)
Witnessed 1 Shaman Ritual(s) by YongSu
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 1 time(s), recognized by Pirino
Attended 1 tutor classes, last witnessed by SoulHunter
Celebrated 5 Druid festivals, observed by Supply
Experienced the Ba Gua 1 times, assisted by WarlockStew (Yuri 65, Fall)
Witnessed 2 rituals of Divinity, by Keun
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)
Accomplished farmer
Has performed 5 Druid readings, last during (Yuri 82, Fall)
Completed 1 science courses at Muse College by Morrow
Completed 926 minor quests