
Title:   displaced.^.
Nation:   Nagnang
Clan:   Pegasus
CT:   Zen Rogue
Class:   Marauder
Path:   Rogue
Subpath:   Baekho (Sa)
Vita:   1,323,702 1,026B
Mana:   406,566 424B
Power:   2,136,834
Bilz:   1,450B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 10 950,000 543,434 1,594
Oh 1,280,000 873,434 3,138
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,093,434 4,410
Yuk 2,560,000 2,153,434 13,250
Chil 5,120,000 4,713,434 53,135
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 10 1,900,000 576,298 992
Oh 2,560,000 1,236,298 2,537
Cave 11 3,000,000 1,676,298 3,808
Yuk 5,120,000 3,796,298 12,649
Chil 10,240,000 8,916,298 52,533

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2025 1,307,742 1,323,702 +15,960 23B 406,176 406,566 +390 1B 16,740 24B
2024 926,903 1,307,742 +380,839 467B 281,396 406,176 +124,780 199B 630,399 667B
2023 744,703 926,903 +182,200 172B 268,016 281,486 +13,380 18B 208,960 190B
2022 676,483 744,703 +68,220 56B 243,416 268,016 +24,600 31B 117,420 87B
2021 477,448 676,483 +199,050 137B 212,411 243,416 +29,855 34B 258,760 170B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Creature DA LS SAM Min HP Max HP
Bird 4 Room 1
750000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 2
850000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 3
850000 1150000
Bird 4 Room 4
800000 1100000
Bird 4 Room 5
1370000 1750000
Bird 4 Room 6
1400000 1800000
Bird 4 Room 7
1500000 2000000
Bird 4 Room 8
1800000 2500000
Bird 4 Room 9 [LR]
1700000 2150000
Rhino [Immense Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [Thundering Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [LR]
1750000 2270000
2200000 2850000
[OLD] ATG 10
3300000 4300000
[OLD] ATG 11
5200000 6500000
Turtle 4 [LR]
1800000 2500000
Malgalod Shaman
1000000 1400000
Malgalod Footman
2000000 2700000
140000 230000
Sheep 3/Brown
1120000 1412000
Sheep 3/Red
1118000 1434482


Carpenter : Master
Carpenter : Master
Woodcutter : Talented
Woodcutter : Talented
Miner : Talented
Miner : Talented
Fisherman : Talented
Fisherman : Talented


Bloodlusts (50%) 16/32
Bloodlusts (50%) 16/32
Carnages (62.9%) 22/35
Carnages (62.9%) 22/35
Elixir Wars (57.6%) 34/59
Elixir Wars (57.6%) 34/59
Fox hunts (75%) 15/20
Fox hunts (75%) 15/20


Gold: 48,844,069
10 Throwing axe
130 Kindred talisman
85 Yellow scroll
1 Diamondblade
78 Bear's liver
60 Daily coin
6 Scroll of protection
10 Red potion
186 Acorn
39 Tarnished amber

Bank (80)

Gold: 0
3795 Acorn
16 Angry essence
1 Aqua bathing garment
2 Aqua potion
1 Atataka uchikake
1 Basic sickle
81 Beef
37 Bird meat
1 Black potion
166 Black stardrop
1 Blue flame
337 Blue stardrop
8 Bone dust
1 Bridesmaid dress
1 Brown high wave hair
5306 Chicken meat
1 Daffodil pom skirt
1 Diamond dagger
1 Earthbound essence
824 Egg
1 Energetic kyopok skirt
1 Experience gem
89 Fine snake meat
2 Floating essence
1 Flowery blonde hair
1 Forest ball gown
19 Fox charm
5 Gingerroot
7 Glorious Ribbon
86 Gold acorn
3 Golden Bowl of Tranquility
20 Golden antlers
1 Gri-Yul Staff
1 Gwangsun geom
1 Hamgyong fishing club
1 Her Uniform
10 Herb pipe
722 Horse meat
1 Important Letter
1 Jinni white silks
213 Lean beef
8 Leech juice
1 Moon blouse
1 Musketeer dress
1 Nagnang combat dress - BONDED
1 Northern Sparkle
1 Palace pinned hair
1 Pink wedding bow hair
1 Platinum wedding curls
2 Pork
169 Purple stardrop
10 Putrid fish
1 Radiant white crystal
844 Rare pork
29 Rat meat
2 Red apple
1 Red bandito
1 Rock pick
1 Rope
862 Rose
1 Rustic winter hood
1 Sandy wavy tail
203 Scroll of protection
52 Seaweed
1 Side ponytail
54 Snow angel
1 Sonhi pass
28 Spent metal
5 Splendid tiger pelt
1 Sun waistcoat - BONDED
6 Torn paw
80 Treatise on bad poetry
1 Wedding gown
1 White toggle cape
1 White toggle hoody
1 Wind armor - BONDED
1 Winter purse
1 Winter ruby boots
1 Yellow layered hair
1 YeolIlgobBeunZe gown - BONDED

Legend (140)

Born in Yuri 83, Spring
8 Year Anniversary
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 83, Fall)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 83, Fall)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 83, Fall)
Understood the moon (Yuri 83, Fall)
Kept the Mongols from taking over the Kingdoms (Yuri 83, Fall)
Ming-Ken Rogue since Yuri 83, Winter
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 83, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 83, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 83, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 83, Winter)
Captured the wind (Yuri 83, Winter)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 84, Winter)
Helped the Yu Ryang village (Yuri 85, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 86, Fall)
Survived the sun (Yuri 86, Winter)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 87, Summer)
Buccaneer for Bluestone (Yuri 88, Summer)
Earned sea legs with pirate Bluestone (Yuri 88, Summer)
Infused the Earth's Dragon with sacred magic (Yuri 89, Summer)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 89, Summer)
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
Greater alliance with the Horse (Yuri 90, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Monkey (Yuri 90, Summer)
9 Year Anniversary
Entered Lost Mines to excavate its secrets (Yuri 91, Winter)
Took the veracious route to confirm the truth (Yuri 91, Winter)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Fall)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 97, Winter)
Participated in 20 Fox hunts
15 Fox hunt victories
Highest score in Hopper 126
Highest score in rabbit invasion 886
Fastest time through maze 20 hours 16 minutes 15 seconds
Museum Patron (Yuri 97, Winter)
Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri 97, Winter
Captured Grave Robber 1 times (Yuri 98, Winter, FalenAngel)
Joined in the foreign celebration (Yuri 98, Winter)
10 Year Anniversary
Helped YanFai find the secret of infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Learned the ways of the Pirates infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Saved Haengsa from the Pirates (Yuri 99, Spring)
Owner of brown pet rabbit Chansey (Yuri 99, Fall)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 102, Winter)
Winner of 1 Barbarian events, recognized by Gberts
Dog linguist (Yuri 103, Summer)
Made significant contributions to build catapult (Yuri 103, Summer)
Fought for Nagnang in the Blood War (Yuri 105, Summer)
Fed 4 items to the Gelapod
Sublime alliance with the Ox (Yuri 109, Spring)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)
Aided Yithly (Yuri 109, Spring)
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 113, Winter)
Witnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by Hitoshura
12 Year Anniversary
Master carpenter
Talented woodcutter
Talented miner
Tried to Trick Xiou (Yuri 119, Winter)
Aided WinSong's Quest for Atonement (Yuri 119, Winter)
Restored Lasahn's Strength (Yuri 119, Winter)
Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 120, Fall)
Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 124, Spring)
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 124, Summer)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 124, Fall)
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 124, Fall)
Cheered up bored rock (Yuri 124, Fall)
Tried by Air, Water, Earth and Fire (Yuri 124, Fall)
Discovered the end of the rainbow (Yuri 8, Winter)
Rolled for Golden Bowl of Tranquility (Yuri 8, Winter)
21 Year Anniversary
Found the Temple of BlueFlame (Yuri 51, Summer)
Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 63, Winter)
Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 63, Winter)
Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 63, Winter)
Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 63, Winter)
Sabotaged the artillery of The Demolisher (Yuri 64, Spring)
Who's Lucky Now? (Yuri 64, Winter)
Soured the insatiable Chu Layn (Yuri 69, Winter)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 71, Spring)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 71, Spring)
Survived Snow Flurry 1 times
Got Lucky and unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 72, Fall)
Drank the Famous Green Ale (Yuri 72, Fall)
You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)
Engaged to DragonJ (Yuri 80, Winter)
Married to DragonJ (Yuri 81, Spring)
25 Year Anniversary
Trustworthy trader, recognized by Smokester
Commissioned for services rendered 2 times
Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Fall)
Gained wisdom from Rock Guardian (Yuri 85, Spring)
Hindered Sally's pursuit of world peace 1 times
Participated in 32 Bloodlusts
16 Bloodlust victories
Won Snowball Frenzy 3 times
2 time(s) winner of Snow Fury
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 86, Winter)
Fed eternal fire
Defeated Rat King
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 86, Winter)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 86, Winter)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 86, Winter)
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 86, Winter)
Talented fisherman
Participated in 35 Carnages
22 Carnage victories
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Collected wood staff (Yuri 87, Spring)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 87, Spring)
Harnessed fire of passion (Yuri 87, Spring)
Forged the Staff of the Elements
Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 87, Summer)
Shredder destroyed 15 items of this hero
Dreamed of sorrow and discord (Yuri 87, Fall)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 87, Fall)
Found Love with DragonJ (Yuri 87, Winter)
1 Battle scars, last honored by Chongun Lyones
Winner of 1 Merchant events, recognized by Chara
Deemed Lucky, affirmed by Chara
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by BatSheba
Got to the end of the rainbow (Yuri 88, Fall)
Drank the Famous Green Ale (Yuri 88, Fall)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 88, Winter)
26 Year Anniversary
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 94, Fall)
Balanced the flow of Qi 2 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Practiced the Elemental Arts 1 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 94, Fall)
Defeated Rat King
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 94, Fall)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 95, Fall)
Participated in 59 Elixir Wars
34 Elixir War victories
Recovered the Treasure 6 times, verified by Caiden
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 6 times
Completed 876 minor quests