
Title:   LostOne
Nation:   Nagnang
Clan:   Covenant
CT:   Laureate
Class:   Fury
Path:   Warrior
Subpath:   Chung Ryong
Vita:   309,176 86B
Mana:   109,798 52B
Power:   528,772
Bilz:   138B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Ee 160,000 50,202 38
Sam 320,000 210,202 227
Cave 9 450,000 340,202 456
Sa 640,000 530,202 912
Cave 10 950,000 840,202 1,966
Oh 1,280,000 1,170,202 3,510
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,390,202 4,782
Yuk 2,560,000 2,450,202 13,622
Chil 5,120,000 5,010,202 53,507
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Ee 320,000 10,824 5
Sam 640,000 330,824 193
Cave 9 900,000 590,824 422
Sa 1,280,000 970,824 878
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,590,824 1,932
Oh 2,560,000 2,250,824 3,477
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,690,824 4,748
Yuk 5,120,000 4,810,824 13,589
Chil 10,240,000 9,930,824 53,473

BILZ History

History Not Available

Current Caves

Cave Cave Req. Next Req.
Rabbit 3 20,000  / 10,000
Monkey 3 40,000  / 20,000
Dog 3 60,000  / 30,000
Rooster 3 100,000  / 50,000
Rat 3 140,000  / 70,000
Horse 3 180,000  / 90,000
Ox 3 220,000  / 110,000
Pig 3 260,000  / 130,000
Snake 3 300,000  / 150,000
Sheep 2 140,000  / 70,000 Sheep 3 340,000 13.3B 170,000 46.9B
Tiger 2 170,000  / 85,000 Tiger 3 380,000 32.1B 190,000 65.7B
Dragon 2 200,000  / 100,000 Dragon 3 420,000 52.5B 210,000 86.1B
Gogoon Island
Bird 3 160,000  / 80,000 Bird 4 320,000 4.5B 160,000 38.1B
Flower 3 160,000  / 80,000 Flower 4 320,000 4.5B 160,000 38.1B
Gargoyle 3 160,000  / 80,000 Gargoyle 4 320,000 4.5B 160,000 38.1B
Turtle 3 160,000  / 80,000 Turtle 4 320,000 4.5B 160,000 38.1B
Assassin 2 134,000  / 67,000 Assassin 3 365,000 24.9B 182,500 58.5B
Magus 2 178,000  / 89,000 Magus 3 400,000 42.1B 200,000 75.7B
Hunter 2 215,000  / 106,000 Hunter 3 434,000 60.1B 217,000 93.7B
Hillmen 2 240,000  / 120,000 Hillmen 3 467,000 78.6B 233,500 112.2B
Anchorite 2 280,000  / 140,000 Anchorite 3 506,000 101.9B 253,000 135.4B
Wind 1 112,500  / 56,250 Wind 2 320,000 4.5B 160,000 38.1B
Shadow 1 159,000  / 79,500 Shadow 2 351,500 18.6B 175,750 52.2B
Bandit 1 195,500  / 97,750 Bandit 2 382,100 33.2B 191,050 66.8B
Dread 1 230,000  / 115,000 Dread 2 416,100 50.5B 208,050 84.1B
Grey Hand 1 280,000  / 140,000 Grey Hand 2 450,000 68.9B 225,000 102.5B
Earth 1 302,000  / 151,000 Earth 2 484,000 88.5B 242,000 122.1B
Water -- Water 1 332,000 9.8B 166,000 43.4B

Cave data pulled from NexusAtlas, some may be inaccurate and will be adjusted eventually.


Coming Soon


Gemcutter : Master
Gemcutter : Master


Bloodlusts (50%) 5/10
Bloodlusts (50%) 5/10
Carnages (56.7%) 17/30
Carnages (56.7%) 17/30
Elixir Wars (58.3%) 7/12
Elixir Wars (58.3%) 7/12
Fox hunts (60%) 3/5
Fox hunts (60%) 3/5

Legend (67)

Born in Yuri 92, Spring
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 92, Spring)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 92, Spring)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 92, Spring)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 93, Spring)
Specialized in Gemcutting
Tricked Yim with Terror of the Pumpkin (Yuri 93, Summer)
Completed Nangen Warrior Trial (Yuri 93, Fall)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 95, Summer)
Experienced the Ba Gua 1 times, assisted by PrincesAngel (Yuri 95, Fall)
Ming-Ken Warrior since Yuri 95, Winter
Understood the moon (Yuri 96, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 96, Summer)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 96, Fall)
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Fall)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 97, Winter)
Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri 98, Spring
Novice fisherman
10 Year Anniversary
Saved Haengsa from the Pirates (Yuri 99, Spring)
Helped YanFai find the secret of infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Learned the ways of the Pirates infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Fed 4 items to the Gelapod
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 103, Fall)
Captured the tricky Lucky (Yuri 104, Fall)
Fought for Buya in the Blood War (Yuri 105, Summer)
11 Year Anniversary
Forged an orb of Metal, Yuri 112, Summer
Novice miner
Found the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 112, Fall)
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 113, Summer)
Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 120, Fall)
Apprentice woodcutter
Killed 115 walking dead (Yuri 125, Fall)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 126, Summer)
Captured the wind (Yuri 126, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 23, Fall)
3 Fox hunt victories
Helped love transcend life to achieve a painful truth (Yuri 23, Winter)
Dog linguist (Yuri 57, Summer)
Novice farmer
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 times
Hindered Sally's pursuit of world peace 1 times
Survived the sun (Yuri 58, Spring)
Located the Sonhi Hideout in Kugnae (Yuri 58, Spring)
Disabled 1 Sonhi explosives (Yuri 58, Spring)
Helped with HaggardWitch escape (Yuri 58, Spring)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 58, Spring)
22 Year Anniversary
Paragon's blood brother
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 59, Spring)
Reached the Sonhi Desert Camp (Yuri 59, Spring)
Shredder destroyed 6 items of this hero
Novice food preparer
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 59, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 59, Summer)
Participated in 12 Elixir Wars
7 Elixir War victories
Participated in 10 Bloodlusts
5 Bloodlust victories
Participated in 5 Fox hunts
17 Carnage victories
Participated in 30 Carnages
Completed 46 minor quests
Apprentice jeweler
Master gemcutter