
Title:   YasaHiro
Nation:   Koguryo
Clan:   Sun Moon
CT:   Golden Boy
Class:   Samaruhi
Path:   Poet
Subpath:   Monk (Sam)
Vita:   391,987 124B
Mana:   395,052 403B
Power:   1,182,091
Bilz:   527B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 9 450,000 54,948 105
Sa 640,000 244,948 561
Cave 10 950,000 554,948 1,615
Oh 1,280,000 884,948 3,159
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,104,948 4,431
Yuk 2,560,000 2,164,948 13,271
Chil 5,120,000 4,724,948 53,156
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 9 900,000 508,013 384
Sa 1,280,000 888,013 840
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,508,013 1,894
Oh 2,560,000 2,168,013 3,438
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,608,013 4,710
Yuk 5,120,000 4,728,013 13,550
Chil 10,240,000 9,848,013 53,435

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2023 391,987 391,987 0B 393,802 395,052 +1,250 2B 2,500 2B
2022 378,887 391,987 +13,100 7B 322,852 393,802 +70,950 117B 155,000 124B
2021 309,287 378,887 +43,400 20B 322,852 322,952 -100 0B 43,200 20B
2020 252,027 309,287 +57,260 22B 320,122 322,952 +2,830 4B 62,920 27B
2019 245,607 252,027 +6,420 2B 320,122 320,122 0B 6,420 2B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Poet damage calculator on hold



Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Bloodlusts (48.4%) 15/31
Carnages (40.4%) 21/52
Carnages (40.4%) 21/52
Elixir Wars (72.4%) 21/29
Elixir Wars (72.4%) 21/29
Fox hunts (61.1%) 11/18
Fox hunts (61.1%) 11/18

Legend (96)

Born in Yuri 87, Summer
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 87, Summer)
9 Year Anniversary
Ohaeng Poet since Yuri 95, Winter
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 95, Winter)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 96, Spring)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 96, Spring)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 96, Summer)
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Fall)
Dog linguist (Yuri 97, Fall)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 97, Fall)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 98, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 98, Fall)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 98, Fall)
Understood the moon (Yuri 98, Fall)
Saved Haengsa from the Pirates (Yuri 99, Summer)
Helped YanFai find the secret of infusion (Yuri 99, Summer)
Learned the ways of the Pirates infusion (Yuri 99, Summer)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 101, Winter)
Adept carpenter
Survived the sun (Yuri 106, Winter)
Saved the Yon and Tae families (Yuri 107, Summer)
Has received 1 I Ching readings (Yuri 107, Winter, Muckish)
Observed Right Views, recorded by Ataxia (Yuri 107, Winter)
Took a step towards inner peace, guided by Ataxia
Contemplated Right Thinking, recorded by Smirk (Yuri 111, Spring)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 124, Fall)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 4, Spring)
Aided the Mining Clan (Yuri 4, Summer)
Discovered the secret of Buya Haunted House (Yuri 5, Fall)
Witnessed the Koguryo Royal wedding (Yuri 8, Spring)
Discovered the end of the rainbow (Yuri 8, Fall)
Helped Hana protect 1 smoke signals - (Yuri 12, Fall)
Fed Chu Layn a great feast (Yuri 14, Fall)
Entertained the bored rock (Yuri 19, Winter)
Assisted the undead captain (Yuri 19, Winter)
Retrieved the Anchor of Binding (Yuri 19, Winter)
Revived the Sea Princess (Yuri 19, Winter)
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 21, Fall)
Helped love transcend death to achieve a beautiful life (Yuri 23, Winter)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 2 times
Unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 24, Fall)
Drank the Famous Green Ale (Yuri 24, Fall)
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 32, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 32, Winter)
19 Year Anniversary
Investigated the theft at Changmu Town Hall (Yuri 37, Fall)
Comforted a scared child (Yuri 37, Fall)
Weakened the necromancer's power (Yuri 37, Fall)
Honorable Mention in Poetry Revel 1 times (Yuri 43, Summer)
First Place in Poetry Revel 1 times (Yuri 43, Fall)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 43, Fall)
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 44, Spring)
Aided the Chongunate in 1 missions, recognized by Chongun Spiri
Captured the wind (Yuri 44, Spring)
Participated in 29 Elixir Wars
21 Elixir War victories
Apprentice alchemist
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Winter)
Gained access to the Desolate Mines (Yuri 50, Spring)
Aided Lucky against the Gnomes (Yuri 50, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 50, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 50, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 50, Summer)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 50, Summer)
Fought off the Pirates (Yuri 54, Summer)
22 Year Anniversary
Discovered horrors unleashed by the Iron Hands (Yuri 61, Fall)
Shown kindness during difficult times (Yuri 62, Summer)
Shown true colors as a Monk, recorded by snack (Yuri 62, Fall)
Acolyte, guided by YongSu
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 63, Spring)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 63, Spring)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 63, Spring)
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 1 time(s), recognized by Pirino
Witnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by Gisele
Celebrated 1 Druid festivals, observed by Chamber
Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 64, Spring)
Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 64, Spring)
Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 64, Spring)
Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 64, Spring)
11 Fox hunt victories
Participated in 18 Fox hunts
Engaged to Cuppy (Yuri 66, Winter)
Married to Cuppy (Yuri 67, Spring)
23 Year Anniversary
15 Bloodlust victories
Samana Muni, acknowledged by Jasna (Yuri 69, Spring)
Participated in 52 Carnages
21 Carnage victories
Soured the insatiable Chu Layn (Yuri 70, Spring)
Completed 413 minor quests
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 71, Summer)
Participated in 31 Bloodlusts