
Title:   BreakNBread
Nation:   Koguryo
Clan:   Sun Moon
CT:   Sun Baked
Class:   Balistraria
Path:   Poet
Subpath:   Hyun moo (Sam)
Vita:   324,724 93B
Mana:   319,923 279B
Power:   964,570
Bilz:   372B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Sam 320,000 77 0
Cave 9 450,000 130,077 229
Sa 640,000 320,077 685
Cave 10 950,000 630,077 1,739
Oh 1,280,000 960,077 3,283
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,180,077 4,555
Yuk 2,560,000 2,240,077 13,395
Chil 5,120,000 4,800,077 53,280
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Sam 640,000 315,276 187
Cave 9 900,000 575,276 415
Sa 1,280,000 955,276 871
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,575,276 1,925
Oh 2,560,000 2,235,276 3,470
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,675,276 4,741
Yuk 5,120,000 4,795,276 13,582
Chil 10,240,000 9,915,276 53,467

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2024 278,124 358,124 -11,900 -5B 319,773 320,023 +250 0B -11,400 -5B
2020 320,234 320,514 +280 0B 263,108 298,268 +35,160 47B 70,600 47B

Current Caves

Cave Cave Req. Next Req.
Rabbit 3 20,000  / 10,000
Monkey 3 40,000  / 20,000
Dog 3 60,000  / 30,000
Rooster 3 100,000  / 50,000
Rat 3 140,000  / 70,000
Horse 3 180,000  / 90,000
Ox 3 220,000  / 110,000
Pig 3 260,000  / 130,000
Snake 3 300,000  / 150,000
Sheep 3 340,000  / 170,000
Tiger 3 380,000  / 190,000
Dragon 3 420,000  / 210,000
Gogoon Island
Bird 4 320,000  / 160,000
Flower 4 320,000  / 160,000
Gargoyle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Turtle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Assassin 3 365,000  / 182,500
Magus 3 400,000  / 200,000
Hunter 3 434,000  / 217,000
Hillmen 3 467,000  / 233,500
Anchorite 3 506,000  / 253,000
Wind 3 535,000  / 267,500
Shadow 3 552,000  / 276,000
Bandit 3 569,000  / 284,500
Dread 3 586,000  / 293,000
Grey Hand 3 603,000  / 301,500
Earth 3 620,000  / 310,000
Water 2 518,000  / 259,000 Water 3 640,000 186.7B 320,000 0.1B

Cave data pulled from NexusAtlas, some may be inaccurate and will be adjusted eventually.


Poet damage calculator on hold



Bloodlusts (45.8%) 11/24
Bloodlusts (45.8%) 11/24
Carnages (42.9%) 12/28
Carnages (42.9%) 12/28
Elixir Wars (60%) 27/45
Elixir Wars (60%) 27/45
Fox hunts (47.6%) 10/21
Fox hunts (47.6%) 10/21

Legend (68)

Born in Yuri 72, Spring
Donated ingredients to heal Blight (Yuri 72, Spring)
Ming-Ken Poet since Yuri 72, Summer
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 73, Summer)
7 Year Anniversary
Buccaneer for Bluestone (Yuri 88, Fall)
Earned sea legs with pirate Bluestone (Yuri 88, Fall)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 92, Spring)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 92, Spring)
10 Year Anniversary
Fought off the violent winds of Mupa (Yuri 104, Spring)
Fought for Koguryo in the Blood War (Yuri 105, Summer)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)
Apprentice miner
Aided Yithly (Yuri 109, Spring)
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)
Sacrificed to empower mug (Yuri 113, Fall)
Witnessed mug's sacrifice (Yuri 113, Fall)
Dog linguist (Yuri 113, Winter)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 113, Winter)
Understood the moon (Yuri 113, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 113, Winter)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 119, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 119, Winter)
Captured the wind (Yuri 119, Winter)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 120, Winter)
Restored Nature's faith in Mankind (Yuri 121, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Ox (Yuri 121, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 121, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 121, Winter)
13 Year Anniversary
15 Year Anniversary
Assisted to seal off the mighty Sute's Cave(Yuri 2, Winter)
Novice woodcutter
Attained First Mark (Yuri 3, Spring)
Stole Golden Bowl of Tranquility (Yuri 8, Winter)
16 Year Anniversary
Promised to aid the Asmodi
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 21, Winter)
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Summer)
Gained access to the Desolate Mines (Yuri 49, Winter)
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Winter)
21 Year Anniversary
Honorable Mention in Poetry Revel 2 times (Yuri 51, Winter)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 51, Winter)
Fought off Mupa's treefolk army (Yuri 56, Spring)
Novice fisherman
22 Year Anniversary
Discovered horrors unleashed by the Iron Hands (Yuri 61, Winter)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 87, Spring)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 87, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Horse (Yuri 87, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 87, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 87, Spring)
Completed 61 minor quests
12 Carnage victories
Participated in 21 Fox hunts
10 Fox hunt victories
27 Elixir War victories
Participated in 28 Carnages
Participated in 45 Elixir Wars
Participated in 24 Bloodlusts
11 Bloodlust victories
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 88, Spring)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 times
Crate's blood brother
On a quest to slay the Island Lobster
26 Year Anniversary