
Title:   >>>------>
Nation:   Buya
Clan:   SanSin
CT:   Bird of Prey
Class:   Survivalist
Path:   Rogue
Subpath:   Ranger (Sam)
Vita:   1,348,328 1,061B
Mana:   953,881 2,034B
Power:   3,256,090
Bilz:   3,095B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Oh 1,280,000 326,119 1,529
Cave 11 1,500,000 546,119 2,800
Yuk 2,560,000 1,606,119 11,641
Chil 5,120,000 4,166,119 51,525
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Oh 2,560,000 1,211,672 2,501
Cave 11 3,000,000 1,651,672 3,773
Yuk 5,120,000 3,771,672 12,613
Chil 10,240,000 8,891,672 52,498

BILZ History

History Not Available

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Creature DA LS SAM Min HP Max HP
Bird 4 Room 1
750000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 2
850000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 3
850000 1150000
Bird 4 Room 4
800000 1100000
Bird 4 Room 5
1370000 1750000
Bird 4 Room 6
1400000 1800000
Bird 4 Room 7
1500000 2000000
Bird 4 Room 8
1800000 2500000
Bird 4 Room 9 [LR]
1700000 2150000
Rhino [Immense Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [Thundering Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [LR]
1750000 2270000
2200000 2850000
[OLD] ATG 10
3300000 4300000
[OLD] ATG 11
5200000 6500000
Turtle 4 [LR]
1800000 2500000
Malgalod Shaman
1000000 1400000
Malgalod Footman
2000000 2700000
140000 230000
Sheep 3/Brown
1120000 1412000
Sheep 3/Red
1118000 1434482



Bloodlusts (54.2%) 13/24
Bloodlusts (54.2%) 13/24
Carnages (56.3%) 36/64
Carnages (56.3%) 36/64
Elixir Wars (55.8%) 29/52
Elixir Wars (55.8%) 29/52
Fox hunts (70%) 7/10
Fox hunts (70%) 7/10

Legend (54)

Born in Yuri 83, Winter
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 85, Spring)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 85, Summer)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 85, Summer)
Dog linguist (Yuri 85, Summer)
Ohaeng Rogue since Yuri 85, Summer
Highest score in rabbit invasion 667
Found Love with aBirdsNest (Yuri 87, Winter)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 87, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 87, Winter)
Understood the moon (Yuri 88, Spring)
Attained Autumn level in Foraging (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 88, Spring)
Survived the sun (Yuri 88, Fall)
Master Archer (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 88, Fall)
Attained Summer level in Tracking (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 88, Fall)
Attained Summer level in Security (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 88, Fall)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 times
Attained Seasonal level in Cartography (Marked by Yetto) (Yuri 88, Fall)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 88, Winter)
Adept carpenter
Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 88, Winter)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 88, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 88, Winter)
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 89, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 89, Spring)
Studied under the Divine Order, 1 times, taught by Aamin, Yuri 89, Summer
Participated in 10 Fox hunts
7 Fox hunt victories
Balanced the flow of Qi 2 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Practiced the Elemental Arts 2 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 1 time(s), recognized by Lyones
Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 90, Winter)
Won 1 clan events (Yuri 90, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Pig (Yuri 90, Winter)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 90, Winter)
Greater alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 90, Winter)
Respects nature, marked by Quotah
Attained Summer level in Trapping (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 90, Winter)
Attained Autumn level in Camouflage (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 90, Winter)
Scouted with Rangers 1 times, marked by kilos (Yuri 90, Winter)
26 Year Anniversary
Completed 167 minor quests
On a quest to slay the Slush ogre
Celebrated 5 Druid festivals, observed by Andy
Participated in 24 Bloodlusts
Participated in 64 Carnages
36 Carnage victories
13 Bloodlust victories
29 Elixir War victories
Participated in 52 Elixir Wars
Witnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by Shoahs
Born under the Wood Snake, revealed by Sakuma in (Yuri 94, Winter)
ShoShoSho's blood brother