
Nation:   Nagnang
Class:   Saboteur
Path:   Rogue
Subpath:   Spy (Sam)
Vita:   639,992 279B
Mana:   319,985 279B
Power:   1,279,962
Bilz:   558B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Sam 320,000 15 0
Cave 9 450,000 130,015 229
Sa 640,000 320,015 685
Cave 10 950,000 630,015 1,739
Oh 1,280,000 960,015 3,283
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,180,015 4,555
Yuk 2,560,000 2,240,015 13,395
Chil 5,120,000 4,800,015 53,280
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Sam 640,000 8 0
Cave 9 900,000 260,008 229
Sa 1,280,000 640,008 685
Cave 10 1,900,000 1,260,008 1,739
Oh 2,560,000 1,920,008 3,283
Cave 11 3,000,000 2,360,008 4,555
Yuk 5,120,000 4,480,008 13,395
Chil 10,240,000 9,600,008 53,280

BILZ History

History Not Available

Current Caves

Cave Cave Req. Next Req.
Rabbit 3 20,000  / 10,000
Monkey 3 40,000  / 20,000
Dog 3 60,000  / 30,000
Rooster 3 100,000  / 50,000
Rat 3 140,000  / 70,000
Horse 3 180,000  / 90,000
Ox 3 220,000  / 110,000
Pig 3 260,000  / 130,000
Snake 3 300,000  / 150,000
Sheep 3 340,000  / 170,000
Tiger 3 380,000  / 190,000
Dragon 3 420,000  / 210,000
Gogoon Island
Bird 4 320,000  / 160,000
Flower 4 320,000  / 160,000
Gargoyle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Turtle 4 320,000  / 160,000
Assassin 3 365,000  / 182,500
Magus 3 400,000  / 200,000
Hunter 3 434,000  / 217,000
Hillmen 3 467,000  / 233,500
Anchorite 3 506,000  / 253,000
Wind 3 535,000  / 267,500
Shadow 3 552,000  / 276,000
Bandit 3 569,000  / 284,500
Dread 3 586,000  / 293,000
Grey Hand 3 603,000  / 301,500
Earth 3 620,000  / 310,000
Water 2 518,000  / 259,000 Water 3 640,000 0.0B 320,000 0.0B

Cave data pulled from NexusAtlas, some may be inaccurate and will be adjusted eventually.


Creature DA LS SAM Min HP Max HP
Bird 4 Room 1
750000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 2
850000 1050000
Bird 4 Room 3
850000 1150000
Bird 4 Room 4
800000 1100000
Bird 4 Room 5
1370000 1750000
Bird 4 Room 6
1400000 1800000
Bird 4 Room 7
1500000 2000000
Bird 4 Room 8
1800000 2500000
Bird 4 Room 9 [LR]
1700000 2150000
Rhino [Immense Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [Thundering Rhino]
800000 1100000
Rhino [LR]
1750000 2270000
2200000 2850000
[OLD] ATG 10
3300000 4300000
[OLD] ATG 11
5200000 6500000
Turtle 4 [LR]
1800000 2500000
Malgalod Shaman
1000000 1400000
Malgalod Footman
2000000 2700000
140000 230000
Sheep 3/Brown
1120000 1412000
Sheep 3/Red
1118000 1434482


Carpenter : Master
Carpenter : Master
Gemcutter : Master
Gemcutter : Master
Woodcutter : Talented
Woodcutter : Talented


Bloodlusts (48.4%) 185/382
Bloodlusts (48.4%) 185/382
Carnages (54.4%) 206/379
Carnages (54.4%) 206/379
Elixir Wars (56.4%) 44/78
Elixir Wars (56.4%) 44/78
Fox hunts (70%) 28/40
Fox hunts (70%) 28/40


Gold: 1,640,588
1 Yangbantai
82 Daily coin
1 Crafted dk amber
27 Acorn
21 Tarnished amber
1 Red potion
61 Crafted amber
51 Well crafted amber
195 Meat scrap
100 Bear's liver
5 Scroll of invocation
40 Kindred talisman
92 Yellow scroll

Bank (100)

Gold: 38,800,000
10792 Amber
6 Ambrosia
1 Amethyst
1 Antique Lurid eye
1 Antique Spirit mask
22 Battle helm
7 Bekyun's spear
5 Blood
7 Bones of devout seeker
9 Bones of relentless seeker
1 Brutal shank
1 Bunny raincoat
1 Corrupted ring
287 Crafted amber
153 Daily coin
1851 Dark amber
12 Death's head
2 Destined love
1 Diadem
29 Diamond
5 Dragon fan
1 Dragon's favor
4 Electra
133 Explosive Spores
65 Faded Stone
1 Fancy ilbon outfit
3 Fine metal
1 Floret Pendant
1 Forsaken ring
1 Forsaken staff
12 Fox blade
23 Fragile rose
1 Fruit Hat Box
635 Full experience envelope
43 Ginko wood
1 Green tako hat
1 Grotto water
1 Hunang's axe
1 Hydra Scale Hood
3 Hyun moo key
1 Joy inscription
3 Ju jak key
1 Key to fire
10 Key to heaven
2 Key to pond
3 Key to thunder
6 Key to water
1 Light Goldenshiv
1 Light broadsword
1 Lockpick
1 Love Life Dreads
6 Lucky coin
12 Lucky silver coin
26 Magical dust
15 Maxcaliber
1 Mistletoe's gift
2 Molten blade
6 Moonblade
1 Motherload
1 Mupa's cursed blood
8 Murky potion
1 Nabi glasses
5 Nagnang compass
26 Noodles
1 Old Occult sphere
1 Ox's favor
1 Passion wings
11 Pearl charm
1 Pink duck swim suit
1 Pink wings
1 Rat's favor
1 Red solid gutuls
1 Red tako hat
32 Scribe's pen
43 Scroll of invocation
1 Shrewd tengri
1 Snake's favor
4 Spike
1 Spring bouquet
796 Spy's explosives
6 Steelthorn
1 Stilts
1 Sun waistcoat - BONDED
2 Tainted staff
66 Tao stone
772 Tarnished amber
1 Tempest frosteel ring
2 Tempest gauntlet
1 Tiger's favor
9 Titanium lance
42 Well crafted amber
1 Whisper bracelet
593 White amber
1 White atiqik
1 White moon axe - BONDED
12 Wicked staff
1 Woodberry pie
169 Wool
1 Worn Claw
329 Yellow amber

Legend (111)

Born in Yuri 48, Summer
Dog linguist (Yuri 49, Spring)
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 49, Spring)
Helped with a new entrance to the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Spring)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 49, Spring)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 49, Summer)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 49, Summer)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 49, Summer)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 49, Summer)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 49, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Ox (Yuri 49, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 49, Summer)
Attended 1 tutor classes, last witnessed by Sadiq
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 49, Summer)
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 49, Summer)
Ohaeng Rogue since Yuri 49, Fall
Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 49, Fall)
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Fall)
Gained access to the Desolate Mines (Yuri 49, Winter)
Aided Lucky against the Gnomes (Yuri 49, Winter)
Helped save the trapped miners (Yuri 49, Winter)
Adept miner
Attained First Mark (Yuri 77, Summer)
Stood against Red Flare the Immortal (Yuri 77, Summer)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 77, Summer)
Won 3 clan events (Yuri 77, Winter)
Understood the moon (Yuri 77, Winter)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 78, Winter)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)
Won Snowball Frenzy 1 times
Survived Snow Flurry 1 times
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 78, Winter)
Fed eternal fire
Defeated Rat King
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 79, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Snake (Yuri 79, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 79, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 79, Spring)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 79, Summer)
Helped love transcend death to achieve a beautiful life (Yuri 79, Winter)
Novice Treasure Hunter, approved by Barter (Yuri 80, Spring)
Initiate of the Spy Guild, endorsed by Tappestry
Survived the sun (Yuri 80, Fall)
You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 81, Winter)
Has received 1 I Ching readings (Yuri 81, Winter, BatSheba)
Destined to experience Pond
Recovered the Treasure 2 times, verified by WahCantiknya
Novice ice fisherman
Pursued Red Flare into the Arctic north (Yuri 82, Spring)
25 Year Anniversary
Commissioned for services rendered 2 times
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Summer)
Gained wisdom from Rock Guardian (Yuri 83, Summer)
Studied under the Divine Order, 1 times, taught by Aamin, Yuri 84, Spring
Witnessed 2 rituals of Divinity, by BatSheba
Specialized in Gemcutting
Collected 3 bounties for the Spy Guild
Impressed the Spy Guild 3 times, recently recognized by Sola
Won 1 tutor events
Master carpenter
Accomplished weaver
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 87, Spring)
Completed 7 jobs for the Spy Guild
Collected wood staff (Yuri 87, Summer)
Talented woodcutter
Harnessed fire of passion (Yuri 87, Summer)
Forged the Staff of the Elements
Studied with the Sages 1 times, recognized by JediJosh
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 2 time(s), recognized by Lyones
Captured the wind (Yuri 88, Summer)
Got to the end of the rainbow (Yuri 88, Fall)
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 88, Fall)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 88, Fall)
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 88, Fall)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 88, Fall)
Roseof's blood sister
Favored by Awen 1 times, marked by Supply
Experienced the Ba Gua 1 times, assisted by iRysvinne (Yuri 89, Fall)
Last Man Alive 2 times, witnessed by Ogedei
Participated in 40 Fox hunts
28 Fox hunt victories
26 Year Anniversary
Accomplished farmer
Practiced the Elemental Arts 2 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Balanced the flow of Qi 3 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE
Has received 1 Ogham Rune readings, last observed by Druid MiniPOCPOET (Yuri 91, Summer)
Attained Spring level in Tracking (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 91, Summer)
Attained Winter level in Trapping (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 91, Summer)
Hindered Sally's pursuit of world peace 1 times
Nature's sage 1 times, marked by Druid Supply
Celebrated 3 Druid festivals, observed by Supply
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 31
Witnessed 3 Shaman Ritual(s) by Weck
Highest score in rabbit invasion 655
44 Elixir War victories
Participated in 78 Elixir Wars
Survived Wilderness training, acknowledged by Ogedei
Triumphant in 1 Sonbae Battles, observed by Lyones
Attained Winter level in Archery (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 92, Spring)
Master gemcutter
4 Battle scars, last honored by Chongun ajen
Adept fisherman
Participated in 379 Carnages
206 Carnage victories
Participated in 382 Bloodlusts
185 Bloodlust victories
Shredder destroyed 8 items of this hero
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 68 times
Completed 787 minor quests