
Title:   the Resolute
Nation:   Koguryo
Clan:   Tiger
CT:   Absolutely
Class:   Samurang
Path:   Warrior
Subpath:   Chongun (Sa)
Vita:   2,625,054 3,738B
Mana:   338,122 307B
Power:   3,301,298
Bilz:   4,045B

Next Rank

Rank Mana Mana To Get Mana XP
Cave 11 1,500,000 1,161,878 4,527
Yuk 2,560,000 2,221,878 13,367
Chil 5,120,000 4,781,878 53,252
Rank Vita Vita To Get Vita XP
Cave 11 3,000,000 374,946 1,096
Yuk 5,120,000 2,494,946 9,936
Chil 10,240,000 7,614,946 49,821

BILZ History

Vita Mana Power Exp
2020 2,367,107 2,625,054 +258,920 675B 335,077 405,107 +51,895 90B 362,710 765B
2019 2,316,367 2,367,107 +50,330 124B 352,093 353,302 +1,210 2B 52,750 126B

Current Caves

This section disabled after Sam San


Coming Soon


Gemcutter : Legendary
Gemcutter : Legendary
Food Preparer : Master
Food Preparer : Master
Woodcutter : Master
Woodcutter : Master
Carpenter : Master
Carpenter : Master
Fisherman : Talented
Fisherman : Talented


Bloodlusts (50%) 84/168
Bloodlusts (50%) 84/168
Carnages (53.6%) 207/386
Carnages (53.6%) 207/386
Elixir Wars (55.8%) 859/1540
Elixir Wars (55.8%) 859/1540
Fox hunts (62.6%) 786/1255
Fox hunts (62.6%) 786/1255
Koguryo Ministry events, noted by <a href="">Pirino</a> (0%) /6
Koguryo Ministry events, noted by <a href="">Pirino</a> (0%) /6
tutor events (0%) /4
tutor events (0%) /4


Gold: 164,419
1 Amber
1 Baseball Bat
1 Frozen Fist
1 Tiger meat
9 World Shout
5 Equipment restoration
7 Red potion
1 Pet Tiger
8 Beginner rune
1 Silver talisman
39 Daily coin
14 Malgal insignia

Bank (186)

Gold: 0
657 Acorn
3 Amber
1 Amber star hood
6 Ancient Steel bracelet
15 Angel Wings Scepter
1 Armored horse saddle
1 Bamboo
3 Barrier tarot
41 Black amber
1 Black shades
1 Blue 10th Kruna Anniversary Baloom
1 Blue bathing trousers
241 Blue stardrop
7 Boiled Rice
109 Boiled fish
1 Brown anteater mount
1 Bulkkoch abalone shells
1 Bulkkoch seashells
1 Caeruleus mantiya
3 Candlelight
1 Care Package
798 Chicken meat
7 Crystal
1 Crystalline Orb Staff
6 Cursed arrows
3 Cursed blade
1 Cyan ceratops mount
34 Dark amber
201 Dark blue feather
1 Darkstone
1 Dashing cloak
52 Dawn tulip
6 Deamon arrows
1 Decorated anchor
25 Dragon dagger
100 Earthbound essence
147 Egg
55 Electrified Scale
2 Empty amber bag
2 Empty ginko bag
230 Empty water jug
2 Faded Stone
3 Faded black crystal
3 Faded blue crystal
1 Faded red crystal
2 Faded white crystal
1 Faerie light - BONDED
8 Feeble Turkey Egg
1 Festive Dragon mount
77 Fine rabbit meat
16 Finest snake meat
104 Fire opal
3 Flame tarot
38 Flash powder
7 Flower tarot
1 Forget-Me-Not Suit
1 Friendly face mount
531 Ginko wood
4 Glowing Tusks
35 Gold acorn
1 Golden Lantern
69 Good eye
1 Gray dragon body
1 Gray dragon head
66 Green amber
6 Green potion
943 Green squirrel pelt
1 Grey archangel wings
116 Grilled beef
23 Hamgyong gem fragments
1 Haunted shield skin
5 Holiday Gram
1 Horse's favor
1 Hot droplet
16 Ilbon knife
2 Investigator's monocle
43 Iron nugget
1 Jade necklet
6 Jolt trident
56 Kapur branch
54 Large turtle meat
1 Lazuli Dragon dog
2 Lemon juice
286 Light blue feather
120 Light blue petal
5 Lime juice
85 Long sheath
1 Lucky trinket
7 Mango juice
1089 Medium egg
1 Melgis' note
1 Midnight panther collar
12 Military fork
49 Murky potion
1 Musketeer hair
24 Mystic potion
1 Noble shield - BONDED
5 Noodles
1 O snap bow
1 Obscure Jingum Xie
52 Old poppy
1 Orange
28 Orange feather
7 Orange juice
355 Orange petal
1 Passion wings
12 Pearl charm
311 Peas
4 Piggy dagger
16 Poisonous spores
1 Powdered yw amber
2 Qi shard
2 Ranger arrows
32 Raw honey
4 Red amber
522 Red feather
6 Rice
1 Right strategy part
4 River tarot
90 Roast chicken
2 Rock pick
94 Rock pieces
74 Rock salt
1 Rooster's favor
50 Rough coal pieces
1 Sa San Cutlass Skully
1 Sa san spike - BONDED
1 Saber Claw
3 Sacred pendant
2 Sacred water
8 Scrawny Turkey Egg
2 Seasons fan
3 Seraph pendant
1 Shoes of Lavawalker
1 Silver Easter bunny hat
5 Silver arrows
1 Silver glove - BONDED
1 Silver gray veil
61 Silver tree branch
1 Skull Crossbow
3 Skull arrows
1 Sky goth suit
80 Sleep arrows
52 Small iron key
1 Solid Moon dagger
1 Solid Sea staff
1 Speck of Blue flame
1 Spider sword
1 Spirit Drum
2 Spirit armlet - BONDED
4 Spirit caller
29 Splendid tiger pelt
2 Split head arrows
74 Sponge
1 Spring bouquet
1 Staff of the elements - BONDED
6 Star tarot
293 Stardrop
1 Student cap - BONDED
50 Summer potion
4 Sun tarot
1 Sun white glasses
1 Supreme Jingum Xie
5 Swift dagger
50 Taal'yeein insignia
2 Taal'yeein sabre
4 Tainted blade
2 Tanso
2 Tao mirror
1839 Tao stone
1 Tarot deck
2 Tiger meat
1 Titanium shield - BONDED
182 Toadstool
3 Topaz
2 Tower tarot
1 Twinkle toes mount
2 Wand tarot
1 Water Basin
43 Well cftd wt amber
26 White amber
1 White sun visor
14 Wondrous stein
1 Wood Orb - BONDED
1 Yangbantai
7 Yellow amber

Legend (308)

Born in Yuri 81, Spring
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 81, Spring)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 81, Spring)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 81, Spring)
Completed Nangen Warrior Trial (Yuri 81, Spring)
Ohaeng Warrior since Yuri 81, Summer
Dog linguist (Yuri 90, Fall)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 90, Fall)
Specialized in Gemcutting
Mastered the stars (Yuri 90, Winter)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 90, Winter)
Forged an orb of Wood, Yuri 90, Winter
9 Year Anniversary
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 91, Spring)
Understood the moon (Yuri 91, Spring)
Survived the sun (Yuri 91, Summer)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 91, Summer)
Captured the wind (Yuri 91, Summer)
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by Tupinamba
Entered Lost Mines to excavate its secrets (Yuri 91, Winter)
Took the delusive route to confirm the truth (Yuri 91, Winter)
Learned the ancient Sonhi art of the Throwing axe
Saw the vision of Kujiga (Yuri 92, Summer)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)
Collected wood staff (Yuri 93, Spring)
Tricked Yim with Terror of the Pumpkin (Yuri 93, Summer)
Harnessed fire of passion (Yuri 93, Fall)
Forged the Staff of the Elements
Attained First Mark (Yuri 94, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 94, Spring)
Fastest time through maze 4 minutes 4 seconds
Totem Spirit Revealed (Discovered by Hatiki) (Yuri 95, Winter)
Helped Valentine find love (Yuri 95, Winter)
Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri 96, Spring
Second Place in Poetry Revel 1 times (Yuri 96, Spring)
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 96, Spring)
Trustworthy trader, recognized by Velocity
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Fall)
Received King MuHyul's picture book (Yuri 98, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 99, Spring)
10 Year Anniversary
Saved Haengsa from the Pirates (Yuri 99, Spring)
Helped YanFai find the secret of infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Learned the ways of the Pirates infusion (Yuri 99, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 99, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Rat (Yuri 99, Spring)
Greater alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 99, Spring)
Attained Third Mark (Yuri 99, Summer)
Praised for Deeds of Citizenship (Yuri 100, Spring)
Pledged to defend Koguryo (Yuri 100, Spring)
Absolved in the Blood War (Yuri 114, Summer)
Owner of pet bear cub Balf (Yuri 114, Summer)
Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 114, Fall)
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 114, Fall)
Soldier of Koguryo (Yuri 15, Winter)
Hindered restoration of the Wilderness (Yuri 15, Winter)
Saved a love lost, once upon in the Wilderness (Yuri 15, Winter)
Helped organize Lunar New Year party (Yuri 16, Spring)
Uncovered the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 16, Fall)
Attended Forget-Me-Not Ball
Scared the Lag monster away 44 times
Solved an unsolvable riddle! (Yuri 17, Spring)
Contemplated Right Thinking, recorded by Maya (Yuri 17, Spring)
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 18, Fall)
17 Year Anniversary
Entertained the bored rock (Yuri 19, Fall)
Assisted the undead captain (Yuri 19, Fall)
Revived the Sea Princess (Yuri 19, Fall)
Retrieved the Anchor of Binding (Yuri 19, Fall)
Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 20, Summer)
Museum Benefactor (Yuri 20, Summer)
Fought off the Undead Pirates (Yuri 21, Fall)
Assisted Lucretius Laframbois
Completed 4 rounds of Capture the Fowl - (Yuri 22, Summer)
Gathered 26 artifacts
Captured Grave Robber 3 times (Yuri 22, Summer, ZenRu)
Saved little pirate girl
Proven to be a good friend
Helped love transcend death to achieve a beautiful life (Yuri 23, Winter)
Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 24, Spring)
Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50
Scouted with Rangers 1 times, marked by XWhiteNinjaX (Yuri 24, Fall)
Drank the Famous Green Ale (Yuri 24, Fall)
Unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 24, Fall)
Hindered Sally's pursuit of world peace 1 times
Highest score in Hopper 154
Helped complete Tokki's egg collection (Yuri 26, Fall)
18 Year Anniversary
Destroyed the evil pursuits of the Iron Hands (Yuri 27, Spring)
Owner of pet dragon Amagon (Yuri 27, Fall)
Spoiled the insatiable Chu Layn (Yuri 27, Fall)
Completed 1 jobs for the Spy Guild
Reflected Right Meditation, recorded by Davie (Yuri 27, Winter)
Cleansed Wony of Great Evil (Yuri 28, Summer)
Helped the Spirit Lord gain peace (Yuri 29, Summer)
Winner of 1 Barbarian events, recognized by LostWind
Excelled in Thanksgiving Competition 3 times (Yuri 30, Spring)
Sublime alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 30, Summer)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 30, Fall)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 30, Fall)
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 30, Winter)
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 30, Winter)
Survived Snow Flurry 2 times
Won Snowball Frenzy 4 times
Aided the Sea Nymph in Cleansing Kingdom Waters (Yuri 33, Summer)
Attained Seasonal level in Archery (Marked by Choji) (Yuri 33, Winter)
Helped star-crossed lovers tie the knot (Yuri 34, Spring)
19 Year Anniversary
Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 35, Spring)
Swore oath to forsake all lies, witnessed by Reon, Yuri 35, Fall
Vocalized Right Speech, recorded by Jasna (Yuri 35, Fall)
Respects nature, marked by Choji
Accomplished smelter
Attained Spring level in Cartography (Marked by Choji) (Yuri 36, Summer)
Dared to hold an unpopular opinion, 1 times, noticed by Sieo, Yuri 37, Summer
Fought off Ogres (Yuri 37, Summer)
Proven genuine adoration for cats (Yuri 37, Fall)
Comforted a scared child (Yuri 37, Winter)
Investigated the theft at Changmu Town Hall (Yuri 37, Winter)
Weakened the necromancer's power (Yuri 37, Winter)
Helped the shipwrecked crew of The Hanyang (Yuri 38, Spring)
Sworn to uphold the Chongun Creed, (Yuri 38, Summer)
Trained in the art of war, noted by Ferro
277 time(s) winner of Snow Fury
Legendary turkey hunter. Caught 4242 turkeys (Yuri 38, Fall)
Accomplished Treasure Hunter, approved by Umphreys (Yuri 38, Winter)
Second place in Turkey hunt 1 time(s) (Yuri 38, Winter)
Won the Gauntlet 44 times
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 39, Spring)
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 39, Spring)
Won Snowball Frenzy 1 times
Survived Snow Flurry 1 times
1 time(s) winner of Snow Fury
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 39, Summer)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 39, Summer)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 39, Summer)
Fed eternal fire
Defeated Rat King
Evaporated 16 Blasts (Yuri 39, Winter)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 40, Spring)
Friend to the Mining Clan (Yuri 40, Spring)
Smarter and luckier than Lucky (Yuri 40, Fall)
Attained Winter level in Security (Marked by Baik) (Yuri 40, Winter)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 40, Winter)
Returned Treilsaare to the bottom of the sea (Yuri 41, Summer)
Exerted Right Effort, recorded by siulet (Yuri 41, Winter)
Diamond Benefactor of the Shining Jewel Foundation
Fought off the Pirate invasion of Gogoon Island (Yuri 42, Spring)
20 Year Anniversary
Donated Bulkkoch trident to aid the Kingdom of Bulkkoch
Learned Taal folk stories from old man Tershthe
Rescued Taiisrhaa (Yuri 43, Spring)
Freed Tevae (Yuri 43, Spring)
Performed 1 Virtuous Acts of Honor, witnessed by Vini
Completed 1 art courses at Muse College by Skum
Studied the Principles of Peace 1 time(s), instructed by Vini
Discovered the Ruins of Jolbon (Yuri 45, Fall)
Sacrificed power to defeat the Necromancer (Yuri 45, Fall)
Reunited Triptipitti with Tailoki (Yuri 45, Fall)
Attained Spring level in Foraging (Marked by Baik) (Yuri 45, Winter)
Helped with the Centennial Feast preparations (Yuri 46, Spring)
Special guest of the Koguryo's Centennial Feast (Yuri 46, Summer)
Devout contributor of art (Yuri 46, Summer)
Revered for catching 2952 turkeys (Yuri 46, Fall)
Third place in Turkey hunt 1 time(s) (Yuri 46, Winter)
1 time(s) winner of Snow Fury
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 47, Spring)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 47, Spring)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 47, Spring)
Evaporated 6 Blasts (Yuri 47, Spring)
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 47, Spring)
Survived Snow Flurry 1 times
Won Snowball Frenzy 1 times
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 47, Spring)
Fed eternal fire
Defeated Rat King
Kendo Chidoja 2, witnessed by Hinoyuki, Yuri 47, Summer
Understood that which is small, 1 times, noticed by Reon, Yuri 47, Fall
Believes in eternal love
Researched a folk tale of love (Yuri 47, Winter)
Mastered Heavenly Advance
Helped with a new entrance to the Lost Mines (Yuri 48, Winter)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 49, Summer)
Braved the Lost Mines (Yuri 49, Fall)
Gained access to the Desolate Mines (Yuri 50, Summer)
Helped save the trapped miners (Yuri 50, Summer)
Aided Lucky against the Gnomes (Yuri 50, Summer)
21 Year Anniversary
Found the Temple of BlueFlame (Yuri 51, Summer)
Fox Hunt Champion 1 time(s), awarded by Ecnor (Yuri 51, Fall)
Follower of BlueFlame (Yuri 51, Fall)
Survived an encounter with a Jeoseung Saja (Yuri 53, Summer)
Slain Jae the Slicer 10 time(s) (Yuri 53, Summer)
Killed 1200 walking dead (Yuri 53, Fall)
Witnessed 2 Shaman Ritual(s) by Renn
Fought off the Pirates (Yuri 54, Summer)
Sabotaged the Pirate Ship (Yuri 54, Summer)
Reached the Pirates' Island (Yuri 54, Summer)
Infiltrated the Pirate Cove (Yuri 54, Summer)
Recovered the Buya Treasures (Yuri 54, Summer)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 54, Winter)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 55, Summer)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 55, Summer)
Defeated Rat King
Protector of Nature, marked by Supply
Repealed dark magic with the power of love (Yuri 55, Winter)
Fought off Mupa's treefolk army (Yuri 55, Winter)
Fed 104 items to the Gelapod
Discovered the Frozen Fortress (Yuri 56, Fall)
Fought against the Stygian Order (Yuri 56, Fall)
Born under the Wood Sheep, revealed by Milana in (Yuri 57, Spring)
Collected mysterious eggs to nourish hope (Yuri 57, Spring)
Located the Sonhi Hideout in Kugnae (Yuri 58, Spring)
Helped with HaggardWitch escape (Yuri 58, Spring)
Disabled 1111 Sonhi explosives (Yuri 58, Fall)
Accomplished miner
Uncovered 6 Flame amber traps (Yuri 58, Winter)
22 Year Anniversary
Reached the Sonhi Desert Camp (Yuri 59, Spring)
Demonstrated Duty to Path, recognized by everclear
Exemplified Duty to Community, recognized by everclear
Supplied aid to the stranded Sonhi nomads (Yuri 59, Fall)
Helped repeal the Zibong calamity (Yuri 59, Winter)
Saved 10 lives from the Zibong plague (Yuri 59, Winter)
Balanced the flow of Qi 2 times, recognized by Ginsho
Legendary gemcutter
Member of the Shining Jewel Foundation
Studied with the Sages 4 times, recognized by Scual
Discovered horrors unleashed by the Iron Hands (Yuri 61, Fall)
Experienced the Ba Gua 6 times, assisted by WarlockStew (Yuri 61, Fall)
Trained 12 Chonguns, noted by Vini
Attended 2 Koguryo Festivities, noted by Celindon
Aided 2 times with the Koguryo Cultural Fairs, noted by Celindon
Has received 6 I Ching readings (Yuri 62, Spring, Celindon)
Shown kindness during difficult times (Yuri 62, Spring)
Praised for catching 1111 fleeing turkeys (Yuri 62, Summer)
Survived Snow Flurry 2 times
Won Snowball Frenzy 2 times
Participated Snow Frenzy (Yuri 62, Winter)
Participated Snow Flurry (Yuri 62, Winter)
3 time(s) winner of Snow Fury
Last Man Alive 1 times, witnessed by Lootnox
Visiting Tutor for Warrior path 1 times, approved by Tutor BaByBoy
Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 63, Winter)
Won 2 tutor events
Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 64, Summer)
Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 64, Summer)
Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 64, Summer)
Winner of 6 Merchant events, recognized by Baltzen
Witnessed 5 rituals of Divinity, by Metora
Who's Lucky Now? (Yuri 64, Fall)
Winner of 2 Ranger events witnessed by Baik
Victorious in 3 Archery Tournaments recognized by Baik
Nurtured hope by gathering mysterious eggs (Yuri 65, Spring)
Chongun Sentinel, honored by Ferro, (Yuri 65, Spring)
Has survived the Deadliest Poison 1 times(s), witnessed by Bayde
Highest score in rabbit invasion 965
Participated in 4 tutor events
Won 21 clan events (Yuri 66, Fall)
Do Shousha 6, witnessed by NhikamuZe, Yuri 66, Fall
23 Year Anniversary
Has completed the Illusion trials, instructed by SoulHunter
Studied under the Divine Order, 4 times, taught by Eponine, Yuri 68, Summer
Triumphant in 4 Sonbae Battles, observed by Pirino
Participated in 25 clan events (Yuri 69, Spring)
Soured the insatiable Chu Layn (Yuri 69, Fall)
Experienced Right Livelihood, recorded by Jasna (Yuri 69, Winter)
Participated in 6 Koguryo Ministry events, noted by Pirino
Master food preparer
Favored by Awen 5 times, marked by Nunu
Got Lucky and unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 72, Fall)
Owner of pet tiger Shuihu (Yuri 72, Winter)
Practiced the Elemental Arts 7 times, recognized by JediJosh
Helped Tokki (Yuri 73, Fall)
Has gone on 5 Treasure Hunts, appointed by LCtheold
Contemplated Knowledge with the Chongunate 13 time(s), recognized by Heira
Attended 11 tutor classes, last witnessed by sspy
24 Year Anniversary
Commissioned for services rendered 39 times
Has dined at the Chongun kitchen 7 time(s), last observed by Ferro
Studied Zen at the Temple 4 times, Instructed by Yvie
You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)
Completed 3700 minor quests
Has Proven Themselves in the Eyes of the Raven, 5 times
Aided the Chongunate in 64 missions, recognized by Chongun Heira
18 Battle scars, last honored by Chongun Lyones
207 Carnage victories
Got to the end of the rainbow (Yuri 88, Fall)
Talented fisherman
Recovered the Treasure 35 times, verified by Baltzen
26 Year Anniversary
Has demonstrated an understanding of honor, witnessed by Guide Lyones
Celebrated 21 Druid festivals, observed by Andy
Nature's sage 7 times, marked by Druid Andy
Performed 320 services with the Chongunate, noted by Guide Lyones
Master woodcutter
Master carpenter
Participated in 386 Carnages
Shredder destroyed 130 items of this hero
84 Bloodlust victories
Participated in 168 Bloodlusts
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 391 times
Accomplished farmer
Adept chef
859 Elixir War victories
Participated in 1540 Elixir Wars
Participated in 1255 Fox hunts
786 Fox hunt victories